Nov 22, 2018

SOLARA ANANI | ~ An Excerpt from Solara’s November 2018 Surf Report - On November’s Master Numbers ~ | Blogger: I will not tell you in what way the planetary awakening of consciousness or The Shift would lead you for a higher understand of 11:11:11 and who to follow... Go where you're heart will take you... Here is some examples were to look for detail info: Meg Benedicte. COBRA(cobra2012 has many sister sites as well). Solara Anani. ECETI. Galactic heart. Theearthplan. We love mass meditation. SITSSHOW. Innerlightworkers. Shiftfrequency. Aluna Ash- 9D... etc. etc. etc... Use the search function (write in '11:11') at, if you feel so guided...πŸ™ |

November is a powerhouse month, full of MASTER NUMBERS such as 11 • 22 • 33 • 44. These MASTER NUMBERS emanate from the New True Reality. November's MASTER NUMBERS are reconnecting us with previously undiscovered parts of ourselves by pushing us into the full remembrance of WHO WE REALLY ARE. They are shattering our illusions and breaking apart the old systems while awakening us to what is REAL and TRUE as never before.

Each of the days in November with MASTER Numbers is an OPEN DOOR and since there are so many of them this month we all have unprecedented opportunities for Quantum Transformation. November brings us life changing shifts in perception, Monolithic Shifts and MEGA RESETS on multiple levels. It is Beyond Monumental!


1 November = 11 • 1 • 11 • INFUSION OF THE NEW REALITY OF AN •

7 November = 7 • 11 • 11 = 11 • SHIFTING REALITY SYSTEMS FROM DUALITY TO 

10 November = 11 • 1 • 11 • INFUSION OF THE NEW REALITY OF AN •

11 November = 11 • 11 • 11 = 33 • MEGA RESET ON ALL LEVELS • • ONE BEING IN ACTION • (Taking Responsibility Individually and Collectively for the Well Being of the Whole.)


19 November = 11 • 1 • 11 • INFUSION OF THE NEW REALITY OF AN •

22 November = 22 • 11 • 11 = 44 !! • MANIFESTING THE NEW REALITY INTO THE PHYSICAL •


28 November = 11 • 1 • 11 • INFUSION OF THE NEW REALITY OF AN •

29 November = 11 • 11 • 11 = 33 • MEGA RESET ON ALL LEVELS • • ONE BEING IN ACTION • (Taking Responsibility Individually and Collectively for the Well Being of the Whole.) 

Although everyone likes to focus on the obvious date of November 11, the most spectacular day this month is NOVEMBER 22. It's an extremely powerful day in a powerful month in a powerful Eleven Year. It's the day which has the potential to catapult us out of duality and into the New Reality of AN as never before.


Since there are so many potential OPEN DOORS in November, the DAYS-IN-BETWEEN the MASTER NUMBERS remind us that the Old Timeline and the New Timeline do not mesh. When we are holding onto the old and trying to move deeper into the New, it produces the discomforting sensation of grinding gears. Everything that is not in its True Position is calling out to be moved. Even though there is a lot of effort being made to go forward, our wheels are simply spinning in their old positions, creating deep ruts. This brings a certain sense of friction and dis-ease.

Some of the DAYS-IN-BETWEEN the MASTER NUMBERS are interlaced with concentrated pockets of static distortion and deep pits of despair in which everything is imbued with a sense of hopelessness. We may feel that we are caught between the worlds and don't know how to get out of it. When this happens, it feels like everyone is speaking a language we don't know and we can't understand anything that is being said around us. We may also go into a state of extreme No-Mind where we can't remember anything and it feels like maybe we've come down with dementia, but we haven't.

DAYS-IN-BETWEEN like this are when it feels like the clear frequencies of our alignment with Pure Source are jammed and it's a painful sensation. These days may appear when we least expect them and can be totally devastating. In the midst of everything going well and a series of expansive revelations, we may suddenly be plunged into the feeling that we are in the midst of dying, with weird sensations of fading from this reality. This is happening because the tendrils holding us to certain aspects of this dimension have been unhooked. This is similar to when we make a parasite cleanse and reach the days when the parasites inside us are dying. This is what is happening now, but on a much larger scale. Many elements which cannot continue this journey with us are dying away.

Other DAYS-IN-BETWEEN are neutral in nature and bring us a much needed respite from the intensity. These are the days in which we can either get a lot done or simply have a bit of a rest in order to integrate.


Here is a link to our new video of the Sun-Moon-AN Meditation.
This is a simple, but powerful practice that is extremely effective in dissolving duality, while keeping us grounded. If we do this meditation every day, it will have a powerful effect. When we do it on the Master Number Days, it will bring forth OPEN DOORS and create Monolithic Shifts. And it only takes a few minutes to do.

∆ • ∆ • ∆ Solara’s Full Surf Report for November 2018 is available by subscription for $11 monthly in English, Spanish and German at

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