We are having a Full Moon in Taurus on October 24th/25th depending on where you are located in the world. This marks the peak of the Lunar Cycle that began on October 8th/9th with a New Moon in Libra. The energies of a Full Moon gradually build up earlier in the Moon cycle and become more noticeable on the day of and days surrounding it. It is also a part of the backdrop of the other astrological energies over the following 2 weeks.
At every Full Moon we feel a push-pull between the two opposite signs where the Sun and Moon are located, in this case being Taurus and Scorpio. However, with this specific Full Moon, Venus retrograde and Uranus are directly connected to the opposition which brings its own energy in a strong way which will get into in the next part of the article.
Scorpio season began the day before this Full Moon, yet we’ve already been getting a taste of it prior with other planets being located there. Scorpio is about power, transformation, intensity, sexuality, passion, regeneration, fears, and depth. It can be complex, mysterious, vengeful, manipulative, calculated, compulsive, and obsessive. As a water sign, it is emotional and intuitive.
This Full Moon in the opposite sign of Taurus brings its themes to the equation. This sign is practical and simplified. It is associated with physical things, beauty, and stimulating the senses. Taurus is about the natural world as well as food, money, values, worth, and resources. It can be slow, thorough, indulging, deliberate, reliable, cautious, yet lazy and procrastinating. As an Earth sign, Taurus is grounded and realistic.
Full Moon Conjunct Uranus Opposite Sun & Venus, Saturn In The Mix
Normally in the above paragraph, I would have mentioned how Taurus is stable and routine oriented. However, this Full Moon is aligned with Uranus which is the complete opposite of that. Uranus is a big factor of this Full Moon and it overrides some of the general Taurus themes. Uranus is unpredictable and can bring surprises, shakeups, breakthroughs, sudden happenings, separations, rebellion, and sometimes even accidents. It can also be revolutionary, innovative, scientific, metaphysical, non-conforming, awakening, insightful, exciting, and bring new experiences. Uranus is associated with originality, freedom, and change.
Venus is the ruler of Taurus and has been retrograde since October 5th/6th (until November 16th) in the opposite sign of Scorpio where the Sun is at this lunation. This retrograde period is a time of re-orientation of things connected to Venus which could include relationships, friendships, love, values, money, beauty, pleasures, fun, art, or creativity. You can read more about this Venus Retrograde here.
This Venus retrograde energy is strongly highlighted at this Full Moon because Venus rules Taurus and it will be joining the Sun exactly a few days following which is always a significant part of a retrograde as it is a ‘seeding’ period. Things that occur or thoughts that we have during the last 10 days of October (especially 25th – 27th) can somehow contribute to how things play out over the following 10 months when it comes to some Venus-ruled areas mentioned above.
This Full Moon and Venus retrograde are in harmonious aspects with Saturn. Although Uranus energy is kind of dominating this period, perhaps this can bring some sort of realistic or practical energy to the themes mentioned throughout this article and can also be tied into surprises and shakeups as mentioned above. Or alternatively, we may experience these energies manifest in separate ways.
Venus is also moving towards an opposition with Uranus which is activated at this Full Moon but could play out more strongly as we get closer to October 31st. The Uranus energies mentioned in the first paragraph of this section could affect Venus matters in either a challenging or exciting way. However, keep in mind that any new relationships or aesthetic undertakings maybe be short-lived, unstable, or be faced with surprises. These things can be sudden but not stable. We also need to be careful of being too impulsive with spending resources and there is also a higher risk of loss if we are not careful.
Full Moon Square The Lunar Nodes Which Are Changing Signs Soon
This Full Moon is in a tight square with Lunar Nodes which marks the halfway point between the last series of eclipses this past summer and the next series of eclipses in January. The Lunar Nodes are karmic points in astrology and considering that this lunation is aligned with Uranus with Taurus’ ruler Venus in retrograde motion, this Full Moon is very significant which could mark a turning point or significant changes for many people.
It is possible that the energies of the summers previous eclipses and retrogrades may be activated during this time as well which depends on how those eclipses interacted with your natal astrology chart.
The Lunar nodes will be changing signs on November 6th/7th just before the next New Moon. They have been in the Leo-Aquarius axis since May 2017 and will be going into the Cancer-Capricorn axis for the following 18 months. I will cover this more in my next article, however, this factor also signifies a shifting of energies along with Jupiter changing signs shortly after this, and Uranus also retrograding back into Aries soon.
READ MORE: https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/10/23/full-moon-in-taurus-surprises-changes-breakthroughs/