Aug 7, 2018

The GoldFish Report | No. 258 | Aug 7, 2018 | WEEK 81 | ~ POTUS REPORT W/ THE FETZ: HOPE AND HERESY ~ | Blogger: The GoldFish Report has been censored / illegally deleted on YouTube, loss of 12.000 subscribers, 3 years of hard work and 200 reports ... BIO: -- JIM FETZER -- McKnight Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, University of Minnesota Duluth; Founder, Scholars for 9/11 Truth; Editor, Assassination Science; Co-Editor, Assassination Research ... |

On The GoldFish Report No. 258 Louisa begins with putting some Q and news into perspective for viewers regarding the sealed indictments and a new list of global resignations
of CEO's, politicians, media, judges, law enforcement, universities, government Departments, finance, charities, and much more since Sept 2017. Jim begins by reviewing a new book by Fox News Legal Analyst, Gregg Jarrett, titled "THE RUSSIA HOAX: THE ILLICIT SCHEME TO CLEAR HILLARY CLINTON AND FRAME DONALD TRUMP". Jim feels this epose' that reviewed legal facts, not speculation, about what really happened and who was behind the Fake Russia Collusion story and Why, recommends this book for a Pulitzer. Next JIm sharea . short video clip of Obama's remarks about election rigging. I sure would like to hear the reverse speech on this clip! Jim continues reporting on how the FBI has become a Rogue Agency of extreme deceit and even terrorist within America, the Manafort trial, NXIVM arrests, Adpocolypse, Chomsky on Israel interference in US Policy, the beginning of Iranian sanctions, more whistleblowers found dead, Turkey, and much more. The Red Pills keep coming in this Great Awakening! To learn more about Jim Fetzer's research, books and articles, visit Google 'Nobody Died at Sandy Hook' to find a free DVD of the facts. To receive our Reports you can subscribe to our BITCHUTE Channel at and to become a Patron of The GoldFish Report you can go to our Patreon page at . You can also subscribe to our "NEW" YouTube channel at, and, follow us on Twitter at @ReportGoldfish, you can also follow us and like us on our 24/7 research news page at and to help support these and other programs please visit to make a donation. Thank you for your support and Thank you for viewing.