Aug 12, 2018

Dr. Michael Salla | Aug 12, 2018 | ~ Did Hawaii Geothermal Plant Conduct Scalar Weapons Experiments that led to Eruption? (Part 2) ~ | Blogger: O-M-G! if this story is true -- 🗯️My God. They've got a madman on their hands... | 'THE DISCOVERY OF SCALAR WAVES - Discovered by a SCOTSMAN called James Clerk Maxwell, Nikola Tesla then took over and harness scalar waves from one transmitter to another without using any wires, partial financial backing from JP Morgan... ".. It all started in the 18th century with a Scotsman named James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879). He was a mathematical genius and his work led to the development of quantum physics which later led to Einstein’s Relativity. Maxwell’s equations linked electricity and magnetism and he discovered other waves that were higher than the normal hertzian electromagnetic waves. They are positioned at right angles coming off the electromagnetic wave and are omni-directional, whereas normal hertzian electromagnetic waves are only measureable with normal equipment and travel in a straight line. They are also called gravitic waves because they belong to the gravitational field. (Please see glossary for other names for scalar waves) Maxwell’s electromagnetic spectrum went higher than our 3D physical reality and into hyperspace where the fine indiscernible scalar waves exist. (Maxwell said they flowed in the ether/hyperspace). Scalar waves are so fine that they are only one-hundred-millionth of a square centimeter in width hence finer than X-rays and gamma rays. They can also be manipulated into various types of modes and frequencies. When Maxwell died his work was interpreted by three experts (including Hertz) who set the foundation for physics, and they decided any wave that went beyond what could be measured with an instrument of that time was "mystical" therefore worthless. According to Tom Bearden, standard physics (from then on) as a discipline, contained twenty two errors. Nikola Tesla, (1856 or 1857-1943) a Yugoslavian genius, who became a US citizen in 1891 carried on with Maxwell’s work. Tesla worked for Thomas Edison, who invented direct current, while Telsa himself invented alternating current, but the two men didn’t get along well and parted ways. Tesla started up laboratories on Long Island and in Colorado Springs and learned how to harness scalar waves from one transmitter to another without using any wires. He received partial financial backing from JP Morgan, who owned the new electricity projects, but Morgan wasn’t interested in losing all his electricty business by allowing people to tap into the vacuum of pure energy (hyperspace) to get their own (what is now termed) ‘free-energy’ for no cost. At that time Edison needed a plant ten stories high, taking up an entire city block to supply electricity to one square mile of customers. Tesla indentified what he called ‘Radiant Energy’ or ‘Teleforce’ in 1889. It was discovered during experiments that Tesla did to duplicate what the German Heinrich Hertz had done in 1887, proving the existence of electromagnetic waves. While copying Hertz’s experiments, Tesla experimented with violently abrupt direct current electrical discharges and discovered scalar energy, a new force, in the process. In 1904 Tesla announced he’d completed his work using scalar waves to transmit energy without wires but unfortunately when he tried to get support for it, a setback occurred .. (..) .." - |

In part 2 of this Exonews TV interview series, Aurora Garcia discusses events she witnessed during the 24 years she lived adjacent to the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) in the lower Puna region of the Big Island of Hawaii.

She discusses highly suspicious helicopter flights into the old volcano crater (Pu’u in Hawaiian) on the PGV property; strange sounds coming from the crater; weird temporal anomalies and orbs near the crater; U.S. Department of the Interior visits to the crater; an unexplained U.S. military presence, and a mysterious second generating plant which was built without the knowledge of Hawaii County officials.

All these strange events, along with what Aurora was confidentially told by workers at the geothermal plant, led her to conclude that earth penetrating experiments were being secretly conducted at PGV.

The synchronicity of some of these events with the Fukushima 2011 earthquake and tsunami led her to suspect that some kind of scalar weapons technology had been secretly built in the old volcano crater, and it was sending scalar waves deep into the Earth’s core.