Aug 15, 2018

Aluna Ash Clairvoyant- 9D \\ TheEarthPlan | Aug 15, 2018 | ~ Collapsing Matrix Programs Through Currency & More On Oct Shifts ~ | Energy Update & Channeled Msg | 10 minute video | Blogger: Must-listen video about evolutionary shifts and quantum leap in currency energy technology... |

Very brief notes, please listen to videos for more details:

On 13th October, massive shifts in paradigm and higher timelines merge start due to astrological positions of celestial bodies
  • Evolutionary shifts and quantum leap in technology
  • Collapse of currency in 3D, which holds imprints and programming
  • We'll have a higher consciousness relationship with "wealth"
  • Collective Awakening occurring
  • Astral and DNA manipulation will be exposed, through intervention
  • Hearing high-pitched frequencies ~ tuning to higher frequencies 
  • Seeing and experiencing matter as energy, from 3rd Eye Activations
  • Artificial grid connected to 3D ~ that has been superimposed upon natural 5D Grid ~ controls the mind, Time and our reality ~ starting to collapse
  • Many will begin to start downloading information from 5D Grid and connecting with it, much of this through Synchronicity
  • In distant future, Humans will look translucent as they embody their Light Body
  • Manifestation will start to be quicker
  • We're not going anywhere, this is a dimensional shift in to 5D New Earth, we get there by going within
  • Synchronicity can only happen beyond 3DFeeling of disconnectedness from "reality"
  • Readings for all signs around 19-minute mark.