Jul 17, 2018

The SSP is Crumbling | Breaking News | Jul 17, 2018 | By Tom Price | Blogger: [Toms book: "Getting Aligned for The Planetary Transformation"] ... Honestly, do not know this channel and cannot really endorse 'The A-Team' version of 'Galactic Codex' & 'Planet Liberation' and scalar energy weapons etc, since i have no clue .... COBRA has his own version of 'Galactic Codex', from 2012. Link enclosed... Please always use your own spiritual discernment ... |

The Final Phase of Taking down the Secret Space Program (SSP) is in progress. Here is the latest from the A-Team frontlines. Your soul-family, i.e., the Dracht Dragons, are handling the situation with the help of the Galactics. Get the details here. Also Orb information