RT - Russia Today | Jul 20, 2018 | ~ ‘Planet X & the ‘rogue star’: Can new astronomy theory explain world beyond Solar System? ~ | .. A mysterious star hurtling past the Solar System may have sparked chaos throughout great expanse, sending objects deep into corners of space that are now captivating scientists searching for distant exoplanets. The celestial theory is the product of researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Radio Astronomy in Germany and could provide information to settle the debate on ‘Planet X,’ a hypothetical world speculated by some to exist beyond the Solar System in deep space. Also known as ‘Planet Nine,’ talk of a potentially far off world such as ‘Planet X’ arose following mathematical research by astronomers at the California Institute of Technology in 2015. The planet was not observed, explained NASA, but the study stated that it was possible for a large unknown alien world to be running through an unusual and elongated orbit outside the Solar System .. |