Jul 18, 2018

COBRA | July 18, 2018 | ~ Planetary Ascension Process ~ | Blogger: [👌Believing is seeing and seeing is believing. Always use your own spiritual discernment & only accept what resonate with your Ego-allowance and auric or human energy field, are able to receive in the awakening process towards total recall🌫️] .. Excerpts: ".. - what will happen after the EVENT - the Veil will be lifted, using vortex technology, the planetary Ascension process proper will begin, and the First Contact, awakened Lightworkers and Ligthwarriors will begin to gather in Areas of Light in Soul families. After the EVENT, disintegrating of spider plasma entities / Chimera insectoid (arachnid) / Jesuit / Rothschild / communist / turbocapitalist layer of China (and other places). Before the Event, one of the fastest ways to accelerate your individual Ascension path is to practice cosmic Cobra breath (NOT directly related to the writer of this blog)... (..).. "... ⚠️ NOTE: The Portal The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light with Cobra and the Resistance Movement, supporters and associates (and the Light Forces Operations) has for YEARS been targeted and heavily attacked by trolls, naysayers and non-believers and what have you ... Some has asked verdensalt.dk, why he pick the name - COBRA = associations to a deathly King (Cobra - some say). The totally secrecy, the non-disclosure agreements, does Cobra exist IRL, where is he from, people do not believe that Isis Astara (Cobra's spouse) was attacked and killed by DEW's weapon, either. Hell, nobody believed that lightworkers and Holistic doctors has been targeted by military, 3-letter agencies and Deep State's Energy Weapons, but are beginning to realise, that military has microwave / laser / satellite capabilities & radiation from wi-fi and cell phones, increases pregnant women’s risk of miscarriage and makes us SICK. (nothing in comparisons to 5G mmWave). Biggest doubt wave came when COBRA announced the inner Earth sanctuary (Entry Protocols in May of 2018)... LISTEN - Verdensalt.dk understand these concerns about unbelievable mumbo jumbo informations coming out, that for many, gives no sense... This is NOT about Cobra - this is about YOU - a inner belief taking root in the heart, without having any visible evidence or proof of why. We have all agreed to stay on earth in this "present-moment-awareness" to experience our Five Senses. That also means, we need to listen to what our thoughts, intuition and gut feeling and act on it. When you learn to actually listen to the inner voice, the result will inevitably be - CHANGES. Because life itself in our 3D Matrix of illusion, begins to fall apart. You begin to questioning everything that surrounds you, what we been taught in school, news media, parents, government, politicians, religion beliefs and our authorities. Next thing - roller-coaster emotions - angry, fearful, disappointed, confused, exhausted. Determine to understand. Fear holding You back? Break free from the chains of fear and begin to explore... Have you ask yourself, what you can do for your country, your surroundings, local community and breaking out of the Matrix!?...You don't need to understand EVERYTHING what's going on, just take a few baby-steps towards spiritual enlightenment. Verdensalt.dk or no person on Earth has the exact TRUTH, but we all are universal messengers and truth carriers... |

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen http://2012portal.blogspot.com ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via bibliotecapleyades.net (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller (http://www.verdensalt.dk/2014/08/kort-situationsopdatering-pa-kloden.html) for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

After the Event, the planetary Ascension process proper will begin. The Veil will be lifted, using vortex technology:

And the energy space around the Earth will look something like this:

All the spider plasma entities that now encapsulate Earth surface cities will be gone by then. It is not a coincidence that surface cities look like spiders when seen from space:

The physical metallic spiders which are physical anchors for the Chimera grid will be gone also:

Now it can already be revealed that the Chimera are actually insectoid (arachnid) beings incarnated into humanoid bodies, and are even more full of anomaly than dracoids (Draco and Reptilian beings incarnated into humanoid bodies):

In Asia, the Jesuit / Rothschild / communist / turbocapitalist layer of China will be disintegrating rapidly and underlying positive Blue Dragon taoist culture, originating from Thuban (Alpha Draconis), will be fully activating its network of Light through the actions of Eastern Agartha network:

Many new technologies known to Resistance Movement are now already in development on the surface, and they will make life easier:

In the West, White Nobility families will revive the mystery schools of Atlantis:

Real occult understanding about planes of existence will be revealed:

Also, understanding about 13 rays / emanations from the Source and understanding about dynamic interplay between the Absolute and the primary anomaly will be revealed also:

Also, understanding about spiritual initiations. Knowledge about spiritual initiations in its distorted form exists even today:

Here it needs to be said that the fourth (Arhat) initiation means dissolution of the vertical implant, vertical primary implant being a rotating plasma black hole which separates personality identification from the I AM presence. When this implant is dissolved, the electric fire of the I AM presence absorbs all living matter of the causal, mental, astral, etheric, plasma and physical bodies into itself, and can from then on project itself into the time / space continuum as a double torus living hologram of the rainbow resurrection body (Light body):

Consciousness of the Ascended being who has taken Arhat initiation is absolutely free from any negativity and suffering and is full of what is true, good and beautiful.

Before the Event, one of the fastest ways to accelerate your individual Ascension path is to practice cosmic Cobra breath (NOT directly related to the writer of this blog)

The other very important element is to connect with your I AM presence:

And to connect with Ascended beings.

And to connect with nature:

After the Event and the First Contact, awakened Lightworkers and Ligthwarriors will begin to gather in Areas of Light in Soul families. They will undergo group Initiation and Ascension process and will complete this process in the first wave of Ascension, when they will be teleported to the motherships of the Galactic Confederation. Many of them will later return as Ascended beings to the surface of the planet to prepare the second wave of Ascension which will take place in the same manner. Those who will undergo the Ascension process in the second wave will also be able to return to the surface of the planet and prepare the third wave , which will also happen in the same way and will complete the Ascension process for this planet.

All Lightworkers (Starseeds) who make their free will choice for Ascension will be able to complete their own Ascension in either of the waves, which will happen a few years apart. Some rare humans of the Earth origin will be able to complete the process also.

This process is known in certain circles as Rapture:

Planetary Ascension process was described in great detail and quite accurately in the following book, in one of the very rare reliable channelings:

Victory of the Light!