May 5, 2018

Allison Coe | May 5, 2018 | ~ Ascending to the New Earth - Client QHHT Sessions ~ | Blogger: [💓Make it Viral!! She's funny, lively and has lots of charismatic - she's doing a fantastic job 💜Global Mass Ascension with Wave-X Bombards the Earth and Frequency Shift] ... PS: (COBRA:) - The Pleiadians have communicated a short message about activations that may include visions, lucid dreams, kundalini awakenings and rapid transformation of belief systems ... (Teresa Yanaros:) - from Divine Frequency, was invited to the Inner Earth in a dream ... cannot but correlate these Hypnotic Regression Session Client Transcripts with the now deceased, Dolores Cannon, or the many of the channeling messages from our Ascended Masters etc... Julia Cannon, daughter of past life regression hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon, explains how we not only chose to be here in this 3rd dimensional reality, but in order to incarnate to this planet, we all had to be ‘master manifestors’...

Hello, I hope these two wonderful tales of journeying to the New Earth will help someone out there. Thank you to my amazing clients for allowing me to share portions of their sessions with you. 

I love you all! 

Much love, 
