Apr 13, 2018

Tulsi Gabbard Update | Apr 12, 2018 | ~ BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard demands answers from Secretary James Mattis on attacking Syria 2018 (and in 2017 through CNN's Wolf Blitzer) ~ | Blogger: [๐Ÿ˜˜ Meet Tulsi Gabbard, Future President of the United States (I wish). Finally, someone has the guts to tell the truth - just loooove her! - "I grew up with the Aloha Spirit,” says Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. “We try to treat everyone with respect. Like family.” ๐Ÿ‘ผ] .. PS: 'The Danish Foreign Minister, Anders Samuelsen, will give an American-led attack on Syria unconditional support', according to danish newspapers and Radio24syv ... Something that I have already anticipated. One of the most dangerous scams and how the criminals trick us was actually conducted and executed in plain sight. In nature, trickery and deception are widespread. Animals and plants mimic other objects or species in the environment for protection, trick other species into rearing their young, lure prey to their death, and deceive potential mates for reproduction. Example from the human world, would be when Former NATO Sec. Gen. and ex-PM, Anders 'Fog of War' Rasmussen, said in 2002: 'Iraq ready to use weapons of mass destruction' (with no proof anyone could hear). One year after, before a U.N. Security Council, Sec. of State Powell makes case for war in Iraq.. And again, in his 2005 Chronicle of Project Syndicate, calls for a holy war against Russia, in the name of democracy and the eternally volatile "Western values" (da.sott.net) .. A bizarre trick-or-treat crime or copycat-crime has (properly) lured us all into the master spider web, once again. A semi-secret UK meeting was held between Theresa May & Danish PM Lars Lรธkke (April of 2018).. Verdensalt.dk has for many reason come to that conclusion, the Bush family's dirty little secret to convince Tony Blair and again, Anders Fogh and the world, is about to happen again (and again) with a new Face/Off ... you be the judge ... |

Tulsi Gabbard has served as the U.S. Representative for Hawaii's second congressional district since 2013. She was born in American Samoa but moved to Hawaii at age 2. At 21, Gabbard was the youngest state legislator ever elected in the history of Hawaii. Gabbard enlisted in the Hawaii Army National Guard in 2003, and in 2004 she was shipped out to Iraq with the 29th Support Battalion medical company. As a native Hawaiian and military veteran, the congresswoman’s voice holds a lot of weight in her home state.. Gabbard resigned as DNC vice-chair on February 28, 2016, in order to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination. She was the first female U.S. Representative to endorse Sanders. At the 2016 Democratic National Convention, Gabbard gave the nominating speech putting his name forward.