Apr 5, 2018

Livescience | Apr 2, 2018 | ~ Meet 'Norman,' the Darkest, Most Disturbed AI the World Has Ever Seen ~ | .. A neural network named "Norman" is disturbingly different from other types of artificial intelligence (AI).. Housed at MIT Media Lab, a research laboratory that investigates AI and machine learning, Norman's computer brain was allegedly warped by exposure to "the darkest corners of Reddit" during its early training, leaving the AI with "chronic hallucinatory disorder," according to a description published April 1 (yes, April Fools' Day) on the project's website .. | Blogger: [Welcome To The Artificial Hybrid Age of Humans and Machines] ... The movie 'UPGRADE' - Official Red Band Film Trailer - releases June 1, 2018, could be part of our reality. It's Rated R for strong violence and language, but could give us a glimpse of the future, if we don't stop using vaccinations with microrobots and nanotechnologies and people accepting RFID chips and other human microchip implants ... |

A "disturbed" neural network named "Norman" sees unsettling, violent images in inkblots.Credit: Thunderbrush/MIT Media Lab
READ MORE: https://www.livescience.com/62198-norman-ai-psychopath.html