Apr 28, 2018

David Wilcock | Apr 27, 2018 | Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL) | ~ Critical Moment in Deep State Takedown is Happening Now ~ | Blogger: Looooong, but nonetheless important update... PS: I'm sorry, verdensalt.dk cannot always hold your hand around the campfire, singing Kumbaya and getting the joy joy joy down in your spiritual beating heart!!... Exposure of the Dark Alliance, Very Deep State, SSP community - breaking away from our 3D Matrix of Illusion, demands protection beyond the veil, so to say. Following the Buddha's footsteps, being around highly enlightened beings/souls - acupressure for emotional healing, demands commitment, daily grounding medi, galactic protections or calling in our spirit guides and blessings from the ascended masters etc. etc.. A testimony of the light comes with a testimony of the darkness, because it will attack you but we have to learn to defend ourselves... For instance, The 2018 International UFO Congress, were 4 people died of DEW attacks. MUFON Symposium 2017, William tompkins passes at age 94 and was a speaker at our Symposium 1 month before the event... Hungary conference April 2018, were verdensalt.dk spiritual reporter got attacked at home, one of our other spanish group members was attacked at the airport, leaving Hungary, and an american woman, fall flat on her face on concrete for no reason, was blackouted... Now, David Wilcock, has mentioned, an alliance insiders told them, it was far too dangerous to stay in California. There were too many operatives on call in the area for these sorts of “dirty tricks.” This includes people from the MS-13 Mexican gangs, which have been secretly colluding with the Deep State for years now.. Pete Peterson and Emery Smith both endured new, nearly-lethal events in the time before, during and after David Wilcock had moved to a new home, making this transition even more stressful for the David and his Divine Cosmos team... Classified mind-control technology are REAL. Like, voice-to-skull transfer technology. This is a written description of the early development stages of what Corey Goode has disclosed as the “Voice of God” technology. Corey himself reported using it on people when he was in the programs. You speak into a microphone and the technology beams your words into their heads. Pete Peterson and other insiders independently confirmed that such technology does indeed exist. Apparently, some people who believe they are channeling extraterrestrials are actually hearing messages conveyed through this method. The precise timing of William Tompkins’ lethal fall, hours before the “Blood Moon” total solar eclipse last year, could well be another example of this technology in use. In Bill’s case, it may have been that his advanced age made him susceptible to these sorts of influences.." |

Hvem er David Wilcock: David Wilcock er en professionel foredragsholder, filminstruktør og forsker af gamle civilisationer, bevidsthed videnskab, og nye paradigmer af stof og energi. Hans kommende Hollywood-filmCONVERGENCE afslører bevis for, at alt liv på Jorden er forenet i et felt af bevidsthed, som påvirker vores sind på fascinerende måder. Divine Cosmos er den officielle Internet side, hvor derfindes tusindvis af gratis sider af videnskabelig og spirituel information om åndelig vækst, Ascension og udviklingen af bevidsthed. David kommentere altid på hvad Benjamin Fulford udgiver, fordi meget giver mening.

By David Wilcock

The behind-the-scenes war to take down the Deep State has finally reached critical mass, based on multiple insiders. “It” is happening now.

Even though things may still appear fairly quiet to the casual observer, multiple independent sources are now saying major, visible moves against the Deep State are imminent.

This is not necessarily going to appear as the “Mass Arrests” scenario we had prognosticated before. However, we may well see high-profile arrests and new data dumps soon enough.

No one can deny there are over 24,500 sealed criminal indictments on the books right now in the US — an all-time high.

My friend David Seaman had his entire identity deleted off of YouTube and social media, only to return with stunning confidence — and new, direct intel about the arrests that are pending.

Alex Jones has a Lockheed Skunk Works insider named Zach who is claiming we are on the verge of disclosure events that could transform us into a multi-planetary society.

Unimaginable evil is being systematically exposed and rooted out. We have been talking about this for years and it is finally happening.

Our own immediate insiders have experienced significant, ongoing threat. The obvious and extreme nature of these attacks again suggests desperation is occurring.

We are not backing down. We have public appearances scheduled for New Living Expo April 27-29, Contact in the Desert June 1-4, our Colorado Ascension Portal all-weekend event July 27-29, and others.


Once you understand the “shadow war” now reaching its crescendo, seemingly confusing and upsetting political events can take on dramatic new levels of meaning.

The payoff we will get if the Alliance succeeds in its campaign against the Deep State is almost beyond imagination.

[If you are new to this, we will define the Alliance a bit later on. A majority of the US military / intel community now supports Disclosure.]

As you may know, I have direct access to insiders who share very unique and compelling insights into the revolution now transpiring in our world.

As a result, we know that the Deep State has been hiding an astonishing wealth of ancient extraterrestrial ruins, crashed technologies, recovered bodies and reverse-engineered interstellar craft.

They also have ongoing, direct relationships with multiple intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations.

The scope and power of what lies hidden in these various underground vaults could literally transform us into the Star Trek age overnight.


The idea that this much could be kept hidden from us is staggering. There is still widespread debate over whether any UFOs actually even exist.

I recently met two different people in the Baby Boomer age range at a birthday party, both of whom had impressive UFO sightings.

The ridicule factor was so high at the time they saw these obvious, intelligently-piloted craft that they were both actually saddened by it.

Each of these men decided to keep the sighting to himself because he “did not want to be one of those UFO kooks.”

Younger people are now the beneficiaries of four generations of gradual disclosure, and no longer see this as a subject of laughter and ridicule.

For the uninitiated, it would seem hard to believe how any government or organization would want to withhold such impressive, world-changing breakthroughs.

The main force preventing us from gaining access to this technology is an elite, hyper-wealthy Luciferian cult, sadly enough.

Many of their members engage in what most would call evil practices, such as pedophilia, sacrifice, human trafficking and the desire to greatly reduce earth’s population.


The steps I have just taken to transform my life were huge, but should provide a lasting solution — so we never need to suffer this much “down-time” again.

I did not want to publicly telegraph that we were making a major move from Los Angeles to Colorado during this last seven weeks, for security reasons that will become obvious in a minute.

The process began last September, and we were able to successfully buy a home. This was by far the most difficult worldly ordeal I have ever been through.

It was at least a full-time job from October 2017 until just the last two weeks or so. It often looked as if it was not going to work.

The freedom is just starting to “kick in” now that we have solved all the immediate personal crises from moving to a snowy, alpine climate.

Traveling an average of twice a month for work, over the last ten years, had caused me to feel severe burnout.

An incredible amount of productive time has been freed up by moving to the same city I work in. A taping now takes up two days of my time instead of two weeks.....READ MORE