Mar 6, 2018

Randersidag | 6. Marts 2018 | ~ Rørbombe placeret på musikskolen ~ | (In English:) - A homemade pipe bomb was placed on Randers Music School (as wall decoration). Four students and a teacher were quickly evacuated from the scene, and the police blocked a smaller area around the music school. The bomb has been detonated by EOD ... | Blogger: Be very very very afraid of the bogeyman 👳👳👳 ... Yep! The plot thickens... I told you so.. Next TARGET, DENMARK ... Wall-to-wall Fear & War mongering media propaganda show... | 2015: SIAD (Stop Islamization of Denmark) demonstrated Monday evening on Rådhustorvet. At the same time, a counter demonstration started at Slotspladsen in Copenhagen. The two local demonstrations held a minute's silence as a reminder of the hit from Saturday's terrorist attacks in Copenhagen - the one in the assembly house Krudttønden, where a man was killed by shot, as well of the killing by shooting at the Jewish synagogue in the capital. SIAD demonstrated in Randers with a message to put an end to Islamization of Denmark (PS: Do SIAD REALLY think that ISIS did the Krudttønden attack??? ) ... |


TV2 News | 23. August 2017 | Frifundne får ikke erstatning efter terrorangreb i København... | In english -- 2015 Copenhagen shootings -- The prosecutor rejects compensation for four acquitted / innocent men who were charged of helping Omar el-Hussein terrorattacker in Copenhagen. A fifth who was charged also receives a 'no'... | Blogger: Hvorfor tror du de får et klart og rungende nej? Undskyld, ønsker ikke at i hverken råber af mig eller skifter kanal, men det kan godt være, at 'man' måske skal overveje at gentænke mediernes sensationshistorie og den politi-research for, hvad der faktisk skete på det debatarrangement på Krudttønden på Østerbro i 2015. Den 22-årige Omar el-Hussein gik i første omgang amok på Krudttønden, hvor han affyrede 27 skud mod kulturhusets glasfacade og resten af historien kender vi jo. Der findes heldigvis hjælp at hente, blandt andet fra Ole Dammegård og en del andre, efterhånden. Siden det stadig, er en smertefuld erindringsoplevelse, siger jeg ikke mer.. Vil dog provokere lidt med et billede af verdens ledere... |

Omar tilstod skuddrab over for vennerne efter sit terrorangreb i København i februar 2015. Foto: Liselotte Sabroe / Scanpix


Sweden's Stefan Löfven, Denmark's Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Norway's Erna Solberg, Findland's Juha Sipilä and Iceland's Bjarni Benediktsson (left to right) posed for a photo in Norway on Tuesday touching a soccer ball
Donald Trump posed for photos with Saudi King Salman and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as they placed their hands on a globe on May 21