Feb 4, 2018

Daily Mail Online | Feb 2, 2018 | Our entire bodies could be 'replaced or upgraded' with robotic parts by 2070 to give us SUPERHUMAN abilities, claims robotics writer | Blogger: Tror du RFID kun findes i USA og på månen? 3000 svenske pendlere bruger mikrochips som rejsekort dagligt samt et større og større antal svenske virksomheder benytter chips flittigt, som en adgangskontrol, implementeret ind i hånden ... Hvad er RFID set ud fra et virksomhedsvenligt synsvinkel? RFID-tags er små chips med en antenne og fås som både hard-tags fx integreret i tyverialarmer og som soft-tags på labels eller syet ind i tøj. Det er ligeledes RFID, der sikrer effektiv logistik på flere danske sygehuse og i lufthavne. Automatiseret lagerstyring. Med stegkoder har man igennem de seneste 40 år sikret en systematisk strukturering af produkter. RFID-teknologien har yderligere en række fordele sammenlignet med stregkoder ... Hertil har vi implantater som er LANGT mere sofistikeret via DARPA's microchippet super soldater programmer eller eteriske implantater & subtile energetic teknologier .. Hvis du tror operationslægen ikke har fundet disse implantater godt gemt i hovedet eller i kroppen hos patienter, tro om igen ... |

Our entire body could be swapped out with robot parts as soon as 2070, says robotics journalist and expert Chris Middleton. He says we're not far from a future where anyone can buy upgraded body parts that provide superhuman powers (stock image)
  • Our bodies could be swapped out with robot parts as soon as 2070
  • A robotics expert says in the near future people will buy upgraded body parts 
  • 'Biohackers' are already 'upgrading' their bodies with microchip implants 


Biohackers, or grinders, are people who hack their own bodies with do-it-yourself devices.
They practice body modification in an effort to extend and improve human capabilities.
They usually turn to body modification experts like piercing artists to perform the implant procedures - but many do it themselves too. 
One of the first biohackers was Kevin Warwick, an engineer and the Vice-Chancellor at Coventry University who had an RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) chip implanted into his arm which allowed him to control devices such as lights by simply snapping his fingers.

Professor Kevin Warwick undertook a ground-breaking experiment with an implanted computer chip in his arm. Professor Warwick became the first human cyborg by implanting a computer chip in his arm to control machines with signals from his brain
A Utah based biohacker named Rich Lee has six implants; one in each ear that serve as headphones, two magnets in two different fingertips for feeling magnetic fields, an NFC (Near Field Communication) chip in his hand for controlling devices and a bio-therm chip in his forearm for monitoring temperature. 
The first implant was a finger magnet, which he got because 'the thought of being able to feel an invisible force and gain a new sense was too intriguing to pass up.'
He explains that he used to have implants in his shins to see how well they would protect his bones from impact.
While a few of the implants were done himself, most were carried out by body modification experts such as piercing artists.
Rich Lee receiving an implant in his hand. He usually asks body modification artists to do the procedures for him, but he's done a few on himself when he thinks the risk is extremely limited
READ MORE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5345095/Our-bodies-upgraded-robotic-parts-2070.html#ixzz568lMsvMY