Jan 17, 2018

The Galactic Federation of Light - Naples, Florida, USA | Jan 17, 2018 | ~ Who is Ashtar? ~ | Blogger: Perhaps It's Time To Wake Up Now And Learn More? Verdensalt.dk is dedicated to the light and shows its respect to the billions of people on Moder Gaia who have no idea or fearful to explore the universe and its billions of benevolent offworld galactic citizens, who also resides in universes beyond our own. Secret American Military Space Program or NOT, if you really, really understand the military–industrial complex (MIC) and intelligences services secrecy, 'nothing or nobody' on Earth, will force them to push any disclosure in the near future. Unless someone blowing the whistle, Trump pushes the RESET button, could be that black budget trillions supported a secret American space program that parallels the public NASA?. Or outside forces like Ashtar, the Commander in Chief of the Ashtar Galactic Command win the galactic war all entirely... A great comment appear after Amazon published of the book: 'The Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization (Richard Dolan Lecture Series)' - submitted by a guy called Steven Kladstrup (Something to Think About // Makes Me Wish I Knew More) : ".. This booklet strikes me as a thoughtful attempt by a serious researcher to draw some reasoned conclusions from some almost incredible evidence. It does NOT come off as a fanciful romp through uncited hearsay and rumor. Given all the bits and pieces of information that are and have been out there over the past sixty years (or more) for people to weigh and consider, it makes sense to this reader to allow for, if not lean toward, the possibility that there are some very advanced and very secret technologies now in existence on and off planet Earth. I wish I knew more, and I hope that those who do know more are true leaders who deserve our respect, even if we don't yet understand or know enough to offer it. Please let the human tendency to make fear- or greed-based decisions not be the driving force behind all the secrecy. Let it be something logical with good intentions, such as a "script" designed to slowly prepare humanity and non-disruptively introduce new technologies and truths over several generations. It's a given that culture change done too quickly or carelessly can be catastrophic, and I have always felt that this concern must have been at the heart of top-level conversations about the UFO subject from the mid-20th century onward, especially in the wake of crashed disk recoveries. If suddenly faced with amazing technologies, it would make sense for those tasked with back-engineering it to have a scheme by which to make most of us think we came up with all of it ourselves, without any help. Even without the introduction of UFO/ET elements, technological development has been disruptive and hard enough to manage as it is .."... |

Who is Ashtar?

Ashtar's twin flame, Athena, tells us that "Ashtar, the Commander in Chief of the Ashtar Galactic Command is an Adonai, a Lord of Light. One of the B'nai Or, B'nai Elohi, (Sons of Light, Sons of God.) He is a non-fallen Celestial Being that has advanced way beyond the levels of the ascended masters of Earth."

This sounds religious but actually religions the world over were talking about the celestials, the galactics who visited periodically in ancient times and are returning today in spades. Since we in our limited consciousness do not see beyond our own third dimension (other than in flashes of piercing clarity when the third eye opens) we do not realize that we are evolving to finer, higher and more graceful states of matter where the atoms spin faster and move further apart, providing more space for light and intelligence to flow in from source.

As Commander of the Galactic Federation of Light, Ashtar and his fleet reside at a level too high for us to see with our eyes or reach with our minds. And while it is difficult for them to come into our slowly vibrating world (it feels like breaking through concrete when they enter our atmosphere) they can see any one of us anywhere on the entire globe and pick up our thoughts and intentions no matter where we are or what we're doing. Each individual has a unique signature energy which allows the Galactic Federation of Light to protect us whenever protection is called for.

The angelic kingdom can do this too, as can all cosmic beings from places higher on the Light scale than us (enlightened). The angels in particular have been with us from the beginning for it is their role to be the guardians of mankind and give us hope when we are low, and step in when we are in danger of obliterating ourselves IF WE ASK THEM TO for we have been given free rein and free will to experiment without interference. The angels are ever ready to answer a call, however, and they have done more for the human race in lifting it than most individuals realize. Angels are beings with a consciousness and feelings and families and children and assignments. They are a species - a kingdom - and they have a life, just as humans are a species and have a life. Just as humans grow and evolve within the human kingdom because they have a purpose, angels grow and evolve within the angelic kingdom because they have a purpose. They grow from baby angels to larger angels to devas and archangels. They go to school and learn from teachers just as we do. The Galactic Federation of Light works with the angelic kingdom and many other kingdoms in a vast symphony of harmonic order filled with evolving intelligent beings of which we on Earth are a part - except that we have been prevented from growing.

It was the church's role to teach us these things and see that we grew in wisdom and knowledge of the vast system which we call "heaven" but they did not do a very good job. In fact, religion became the big stumbling block which we are still trying to break out of. It has been religion and the dogma of churches that has kept mankind from growing more enlightened about the vast interrelated system of cosmic order and harmony of which we are a part. That is why we are today being visited once again from higher planes (planets or celestial spheres). We call them UFOs but that is a rather vulgar term for these brighter-than-bright beings of such immense power, intelligence and love.

This is an intervention from heaven taking place, once again. And once again it is following orders that are being passed down even higher sources. It is not religious but a workable, practical system in which countless myriad intelligences, including us, are learning, growing and evolving to greater and greater appreciation of our own divinity. This intervention is being done to save this beautiful blue-green planet that is/was on the brink of extinction. We do not/did not see this happening which is why the Galactic Federation of Light is here today. And even though our governments are still in denial about their existence, the average citizen is growing more aware by the day.

Ashtar as the commander of the Galactic Federation of Light are not gods as the church has made them out to be. They are humans like us, but they ARE far more advanced than we and have far more light and power than we. They are millions of years ahead of us. They have grown wise and strong and bright by following the light within their own hearts and minds rather than giving it away as we have done. They are our older brothers and sisters in maturity. They are our own human family. We are their offspring. They have been watching over us and giving us the freedom to explore and create according to our desires, just as we give our own children freedom to experiment and grow strong by doing it themselves. Just as our children emulate their parents so do we emulate - or should have - our elders but we were prevented from knowing them. As we begin to learn about the Galactic Federation of Light, which is coming through many sources, we can look forward to becoming the beautiful shining beings that they are today if - IF - we will follow their advice and example. If we fail to listen to them and heed their advice, well, we don't want to go there and shan't.

The painting of Ashtar pictured above was painted by Brazilian artist Claudio Gianfardoni in 1992, all rights reserved. It was commissioned by Ms. Patricia Campos of Brazil. Ashtar presented this face and demeanor to the artist from mind to mind but he has appeared with different faces at other times to other artists. More of Claudio Gianfardoni's paintings may be seen at his website: http://www.claudiogianfardoni.com/

We post this in an effort to help Ashtar's words reach as many people as possible on Earth. Please pass them on. They are noble words and they contain a very powerful message which speaks to each individual's private heart.
