Jan 25, 2018

Matrix World Disclosure | Jan 24, 2017 | ~ Enoch Builder Of Great Pyramid of Egypt ~ | Blogger: 5 Minute (REAL) History Lesson? ... |

According to accepted history, the Great Pyramid was built around 2500 BC as the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu. However, the dating of the Pyramid and its association with Khufu is entirely based on the discovery made in 1837 by the British explorer Richard William Howard Vyse (was a British soldier, anthropologist, and Egyptologist. Richard Vyse discovered four small “construction” rooms (with heights between 0.5 meters and 1.2 meters) above the King’s Chamber. Egyptologists were then able to attribute the great Pyramid to Khufu, and construction date of 2500 BC because that`s when they believe Khufu reigned. Since the stones can not be carbon-dated and there is no other inscription in the pyramid except for that cartridge, this dating can not be challenged. However, new evidence that has been found in Colonel Vyse journal ask researchers questioning his discovery, some have even suggested that he may be forged the name of Khufu, himself. In Vyse’s private journal its find contradictions. In his private notes, he was desperate to find a cartouche. On this particular night, he writes, there was nothing in the chamber that looks like hieroglyphics. And then, in his published book three years later he writes: “I could only make out one cartouche”. in 2014, two of University of Dresden archeology students smuggled a sample of the paint used in King Khufu markings and had analyzed by a German laboratory. The sample was too small to carbon date dating, but the technicians were able to determine something shocking: the pigment was not painted on the original stone blocks, but it was added later when the repairs were done. This finding suggests that the cartouche was not original to the pyramid construction but added at a much later date. Interestingly this is not the only one evidence contradicting the date of the pyramid and the entire Gizeh complex. A seven-century BC text known as the Inventory Stela discovered by the archaeologist in 1958 details repairs made by Pharaoh Khufu on the Sphinx. in 1992 Boston University geologist Robert Schoch created a stir among Egyptologist when he suggested based on the water erosions at the Sphinx enclosure, he will date the site to approx 10500 BC. Some Egyptologists believe it was probably built from the ice age, perhaps by another civilization older and more evolved than the later. Many inscriptions show images of some flying machines that built the pyramids and the Sphinx. But if so, just who built it?.... [READ MORE]