Nov 3, 2017

Verdensalt | Nov 3, 2017 | DENMARK, revival of the mastery race (Herrenrasse) & ethnic cleansing - The hidden face of Terrorism: the dark side of Social Engineering... | Blogger: In the name of J U D A I S M and T E R R O R I S M!! - To protect and serve Zionism, corporations and the “power elite”.. Reductio ad Hitlerum or playing the Nazi card, is an attempt to invalidate someone else's position on the basis that the same view was held by Adolf Hitler or the Nazi Party.. That's NOT what i'm aiming at here!! I have recently just observed and reflecting on the increasingly hostile ""stance"" in the political governmental body enthusiasm to cleanse Denmark for everything and everybody, who don't follow the #Stoejberggate' ruling (My way or the highway). The Constitutional Act of the Kingdom of Denmark (Danish: Danmarks Riges Grundlov), Section 78 of the Constitution protects the Danes' right to form associations (Associations Statute) - but also allows them to be dissolved by law. The danish court attorney has assessed that there is a basis for proceeding with sought of a solution (expatriate expulsion) against The Danish street gang Loyal to Familia (LTF). This means, the danish court system must base their determination only on the evidence presented at trial (The Danish Prosecution Service comprises the Director of Public Prosecutions - Rigsadvokaten). We can all agree street gang shootings must STOP and the illegal drones and military aerial surveillance of danish people over Copenhagen has failed (planes and helicopters potential illegal use of spying on internet devices of every single citizen in Copenhagen area). Governmental agreements on street gang-packages I, II, II, - additional 35 initiatives against gang crimes, has also failed (NOTHING helps - street shootings and assassinations continues in full force and a the prison gangs - inmate organization has still unlimited power to rule over prison administration). Due to the continuing incidents with street gang related shootings the large visitation zone in Copenhagen has been prolonged until the 9 November 2017 (Sixth prolongation). The Legal Aid Association - RUSK (Retshjælpensforeningen), finds it 'very problematic', that the Police, violating their own visitation zone rules 💨Stoejberg: Foreigners who oppose the authorities' attempts to identify their identity in asylum cases must lose the chance of being able to obtain a permanent residence permit 💨Stoejberg are LYING: Illegal practice -- When underage asylum seekers were forced to divorce their spouses without a party hearing 💨 A large majority in the Danish Parliament has voted for stricter laws against begging. Anyone caught could face an immediate two-week period of imprisonment, with no necessity for the police to give them a preliminary warning 💨Many efforts are being made to avoid radicalization and parallelism among refugees and immigrants. A nationwide hotline and a mentor corps will help stop extremism in the run-up in Denmark (In collaboration with Amazon and Google (NSA), designed a WW DNA cloud-based healthsystem on Earth's population, E-ID, RFID Chip in Vaccines, License Plate Scanning, High-Tech AI CCTV Cameras, Internet Logging, Face Recognition, Fingerprints, Eye Scanner and, not least, NemID)💨Armed soldiers from the Danish Armed Forces (Forsvaret) will replace police officers at both Denmark’s southern border to Germany and at potential terror targets in Copenhagen (Great Synagogue, Copenhagen - the Zionist stronghold) 💨 An analysis has revealed that as many as 15 percent of Copenhagen residents eligible to vote in Denmark’s upcoming municipal and regional elections are citizens of countries other than Denmark... So, ""IF"" our danish government are able to pull this off, that means, they can ""shut down"" every single NON-PROFIT and NON-GOVERNMENT organisation/association/unification/fellowship in Denmark, for good. YES -THAT'S TRUE. And other countries will follow (Sweden with highs rate of radicalised people).. Here's some example: An large scaled boy- and girl scout Christian organization/association (Frivilligt Drenge- og Pigeforbund, FDF/FPF approx. 25,000 members) could be terminated by the governmental bodies, ""IF"" they find youngster with ethnic background and Muslim parents (Islamic Political Radicalism).. ".. The folkeskole (English: people's school) must be promoted and all private and free thinking schools, must be closed, says 3F's chairman, Per Christensen.." (The Fagligt Fælles Forbund, usually referred to as 3F, is the biggest and strongest trade union centre in Denmark).. What he means is, Denmark's 29 Muslim schools (government has said, that danish free schools has received millions in support from Islamic development bank (Saudi bank) supporting radicalisation). So, Copenhagen Free Gymnasium and the Danish 550 free schools with about 110.000 pupils, could be in danger due to fear of radicalisation and terrorism... "Can't You See"??? |

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