TV2 NYS | 5. Nov 2017 | Generalsekretær beklager millionsvindel i Røde Kors | In English: Red Cross employees in West Africa were according to newly released internal report, ""fraudulent "" for two-digit million amounts during an action against ebola | Blogger: RED CROSS FRAUD, A NEVER ENDING STORY -- When NGOs can't be trusted -- Danish Press with 'Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program', has ""FINALLY"" released intel, in which they already knew about, the NGO's depend corruption within the many major NGO organisations. AS I'VE BEEN SAYING FOR YEARS AND YEARS, but nobody is listened to a old conspiracy fool... 💦 Meet the begging bowl barons: How YOU are helping to fund international charity chiefs whose eye-popping pay is bankrolled by BRITISH aid 💧 Charity chiefs take home pay packages worth up to £618,000 a year 💧 David Miliband takes home £530,922 as president of International Rescue Committee 💧 Marie Stopes International paid its chief executive nearly £1 million over two years 💧 Save The Children is one of the charities closest to DFID. Its new head is Helle Thorning-Schmidt, 50, the former Danish prime minister, who has been nicknamed ‘Gucci Helle’ because of her expensive tastes. Married to Labour MP Stephen Kinnock, she receives a pay and pension package worth £246,750 a year.. 💢Can We Trust the Red Cross??💢 The three million unpaid volunteers for the Red Cross are an able, well-intentioned bunch… and they certainly do a lot of good. But recently the Red Cross organization itself has undergone some close scrutiny, and there are some troubling findings. According to Richard M. Walden (president and CEO of Operation USA), it is estimated that 70% of the $1.2 Billion donated to Katrina-related donations went to the Red Cross, yet the Red Cross is fully reimbursed by the government for any shelters or emergency services they provide. Repeatedly, the Red Cross has run into trouble for spending much less on disaster recovery than they collect, shuffling the extra funds into their “national disaster account,” where it can be used for purposes other than that it was collected for. That’s the sort of trouble they saw in the aftermath of the 1989 San Francisco Bay Area earthquake, and after 9/11. Despite landing in trouble for soliciting more donations than they need and squirreling the rest away, the Red Cross continues to operate this way. The organization makes a total of about $3 billion annually, about half of which is from selling donated blood. Some of this surplus money ends up in disaster relief, but it seems that much does not. Last year alone, the Red Cross spent $111 million in fund raising, and their CEO Marsha Evans made just under $652,000. It seems the the main value they offer is the free help of their volunteer force 💢 ‘Where’s the $500 Million?’ American Red Cross Promises Houses for 130,000 Haitians, ‘Builds only 6’💢If you want to help the tens of thousands of victims of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, then “AVOID the American Red Cross”, so says fraud investigator Charles Ortel. Although Hollywood celebrities are working hard to channel MILLIONS to the Red Cross, the charity’s track record for getting funds to the people who need them is abysmal. Look no further than Haiti, where just like with the Clinton Foundation, many tens of MILLIONS in donations are completely unaccounted for 💢 -- Hundreds of other cases circulating... |