Nov 20, 2017 | 19. Nov 2017 | Uffe Elbæk støttede indsamling af intimfotos fra Alternativets ansatte | Blogger: (In English:) ""Darkrooms & Fuckswing"" (Austin Powers - it looks like a giant....)... ""more sexual implications to depict a very sick party culture within the 13 Political Parties in the danish parliament (Folketinget)"" -- Initiative-taker, homosexual and political leader of Denmark's 'The Alternative' from 2013, Uffe Elbæk, repeatedly urged by Head of Press at The Alternative, Magnus Harald Haslebo, to acknowledge and participate in 'Fun Party Ideas for Adults', collecting of photos of male genital organs among the party's employees and politicians.. It was called "dick in sleepy condition". The pictures were meant as a gimmick on a anniversary at The Alternatives favourite pub. The idea was to give the bodega "a little natty collage" with images of male genital organs, according to one of the managers. "PS: the idea is of course accepted by Uffe Elbæk.". (however, the idea did not create internal enthusiasm and was quickly blocked). A month later, a general complaint was brought to the party summit by several employees who criticized an "over-the-counter", tone of voice and a devastating "party culture".

Alternativets leder, Uffe Elbæk, var med på idéen, da en chef i partiet foreslog at indsamle billeder af mandlige kønsorganer blandt partiets ansatte og politikere. Foto: Nanna Navntoft/Polfoto