Bloomberg | Nov 13, 2017 | World's Top Tech Giants Amass $1.7 Trillion in Monster Year | Blogger: The richest 1% now has as much wealth as the rest of the world combined. NWO or 0,01% Top Power Elites gets its earnings from crazy shopaholics and serve themselves with pina coladas under palm trees with zero taxation... Amazon’s Prime Day, our Boxing Day sales, Singles Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, post-Christmas sales, St. Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Father's Day, Summer Sales, etc etc. All meant to please the richest people in the world with petrodollars, people will buy from useless 'made-in-china' & 'use and throw away' culture and tendencies.. In Denmark, we throw away over 700,000 tonnes of food each year, which could be eaten... |
Samlet smider vi i Danmark hvert år over 700.000 ton mad ud, som kunne være spist. Husholdningernes madspild udgør 260.000 ton pr. år. I servicesektoren er der et årligt madspild på 227.000 ton, heraf 163.000 ton fra detailhandlen, 29.000 ton fra hoteller og restauranter og 31.000 ton fra institutioner og storkøkkener om året. Madspild fra primærproduktionen udgør 100.000 ton pr. år, mens fødevareindustrien står for et årligt madspild på 133.000 ton.