Oct 26, 2017

Verdensalt | Oct 26, 2017 | Catalonia vice president says Spain has given region no choice but to declare 'new republic' - People power delivers new BLOW to Brussels as Italy's regions back MORE INDEPENDENCE | Blogger: How to break a revolution - The Spanish power-elites of government (and their masters - 'the alphabet bandits') has launched an all-out assault on Catalan efforts to hold a referendum on independence, but cannot stop the unstoppable train that accelerates throughout the world.. The elite has deprived the people of any rule of society for thousands of years. The people must regain power and the way is to introduce a new parliament, next to the other - ' People's Parliament'... War against the people - The strongest and most powerful narcissist and psychopath "elites" has always been in a frenzy war, killing the spirit in humanity to revolutionize their own egocentric agenda of more power, greed and world dominance. Here's some examples: United Nations - U.N. Agenda 21 depopulation of 95% of world by year 2030 is now underway ↪ Warring nation fighting in real wars or war-games to create fear among populations in modern history - has 'exploded' ↪ The Mafia of the Pharmaceutical Industry, elimination of people with toxic medicine and vaccination programs ↪ Mainstream media censoring news at behest of U.S. federal & world governments - spiritual "killing spree" ↪ Jewish RKM World Zionist Rothschild Banking Cartel who Lie, Cheat, Steal ↪ The plutocrats and zillionaires and for anyone who lives in a gated bubble world - always the survivor ↪ The Breakaway Civilization - Did you know, that U.S. government classifies over 500 million pages of documents each year - black budget programs are taking in trillions of unaccounted dollars each year, working on projects that are hidden from the public domain💨A broad part of the European & Danish population has absolutely no clue what I'm talking about, but feel something is wrong with our present society and misuse of ruling - the governmental body illegal demobilization of peoples willpower 💗No one can undermine national unity to separate themselves from their oppressors💗 ↪ Danish colonial empire - Greenlandic independence - still very active - today, the Greenlandic Minister for Education wish to eliminate Danish, making English, the most important foreign language in Greenland ↪ Italy RUPTURING as more regions want independent powers from Rome - ITALY is in turmoil as more regions have demanded greater autonomy and independent powers from the central government 💨In addition to Catalonia there is Scotland, which had already searched the ground for announcing its independence in the year 2014, and is getting prepared to organize another referendum. Flanders and Wallonia in Belgium, Veneto, Lombardy and Sardinia in Italy, Corsica in France, Bavaria in Germany, Brittany in France and again Wales are regions that are also candidates to stand up for independence. In a clear stance, France – as many other EU member states – which has its own ethnic factors, is strictly against demands of independence. The rise of far right in Europe, which was confirmed by the election results in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and France, is another factor that should be evaluated within the same political picture in Europe. The wave of independence is also linked with the failure of the idea of EU solidarity and unity as well as the increasing tendency toward far-right ideologies. The consequences of all those factors are obviously seen in the case of refugees, hatred of Muslims, xenophobia and discrimination... |

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