Aug 16, 2017

The Common Sense Show | Aug 15, 2017 | The Banks Are Preparing to Steal All of Your Money- Another Wells Fargo Crime-Homeowners You Are at Risk!... |

By |January 27th, 2017

President Trump has a nearly impossible job. The Mexican President, Nieto, spit in Trump’s face yesterday. Mexico says that they will refuse to negotiate with the Trump administration so long as they insist that Mexico will build the wall. 
I have no doubt that when I look at banking actions over the past three years, they are clearly posturing to take every financial asset you own, but not everyone agrees as evidenced by this email.
Hodges just shut up!!!! You are an _____. The economy is just fine. If it was as bad as you say we would already be eating out of garbage cans. Shut your piehold and get a real job you ____ _____!
Is this emailer correct, or are the recent actions of the banks and the courts telling us something. It is my contention that we are not just going to have a series of false flag event in America. We are going to get his with everything the globalists have to throw at us because America must be taken down in order to usher in the New World World Order.

The 800 lb Gorilla In the Room

In the past, I have written about the credit swap derivatives exposure and the topic got very little traction. So long as people are driving to work and have some food on the table, and there is no looming crisis, most Americans will have a case of tunnel vision due to the fact that most of only live for Friday and cannot see into the future. Many of us in the independent media and even knowledgeable and respected economists such as John Williams and Joseph Meyer are all saying that we are on the verge of a complete economic collapse. And it will almost assuredly begin with a collapse of the banks. How do I know, read on, the banks, themselves, have already told you as much.


Do you remember when Wells Fargo fired 5,300 employees for opening millions of fake accounts? As John Cruz, former Senior V.P. of HSBC Bank would point out, that in all of these cases there is money laundering from drug trafficking and illegal gun-running.

I have interviewed John Cruz on three occasions, former whistle blower from HSBC Bank where he was a Senior VP. Cruz pointed out the following:...... [READ MORE]