Jun 22, 2017

KCOR Digital Radio Network | June 21, 2017 | The Quantum Shift hosted by Dr. Sam Mugzzi interviews Kent Dunn | Blogger: Who is Kent Dunn? He discuss all kinds of stuff on GoldFish reports. He claim to get all his informations from the Galactics, in a straight and raw format. Similar to Dr. Sam. Before you go on this journey, use your own discernment. All of us puts info into storage and Kent and Sam has their knowledge base from a 3D perspective, like you and me. My own perspective is a tiny bit different from Kent, i'd take bits and pieces and process them, then storage stuff that resonate with me and do lots of research. Let me say, you probably need to possess a certain level of open minded holistic approach. A mix of esoteric philosophy, ufology, spiritual science, theosophy or neo-theosophy, anthroposophy, new age thoughts and mysticism.. Nobody has all facts and knowledge of everything from past to future, we will naturally get that from our Galactic friends after first contact... |

Dr. Sam Mugzzi works in the subspace, which is the space surrounding your body. The SCIO Biofeedback device works within the Matix. For this reason, Dr. Sam is able to work long distances and you don’t have to do anything but drink water. The BioFeedback system has been registered with the FDA and is seen as a top pain and stress reduction medical device.

Kent Dunn joins Sam to discuss the Galactic battles, We explored new concepts with subjects like: Galactic History, Updates on current Galactic Battles, Ascension into higher consciousness, the removal of the dark cabal, underground bases and so much more. 

This information is provided and shared to help people to do further research. There are times when speaking about the unknown or the new reality, the information can be screwed due to our understanding of it. Therefore, it's wise for everyone to do their own research and investigate how this information can be applied to a specific subject.

No one will have all the answers. This is a primary reason why humanity needs to stand together and help concur the world of ignorance. One word can have multiple meanings, one perception can be altered do to experience, and interpretations are shifted due to someone's outlook.

Therefore, we are saying we could have presented the information poorly due to our perception, language, or examples provided. However, the concept is correct and upon further investigation and learning about our new reality, we will climb closer to the truth. This is intellectual LEAP FROG.

No one is perfect and we are all striving to become better, and create a wonderful world for ourselves and loved ones. Please help us create this new reality by becoming an active participant in your own paradigm. Investigate, fact check, research, read, and study the sky; are some of the things one can do to manifest the new reality.

This is a difficult subject to report on because its new, it can be mis-repressented with the use of one wrong word, and it's not publicly accepted information; yet. Therefore, anyone who is reporting on the Galactics should be given some room to learn and explore, without the condensation of others. It's NEW, and we are still learning. Please have patients with us and feel free to chime in and help us become better. To understand how difficult it can be to present this information, try to describe an egg to someone who has never had one. Furthermore, they don't have any knowledge of a chicken. You get the idea.

Caution, don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Have patients and let's work together to better comprehend our new world.

Thanks, Sam