Sep 14, 2016

A Message to Lightworkers - September 14, 2016 CET ("..Intentionally step out of the mind’s programs of complaints that “danger is out there and coming to get us.” Nonsense. In truth, the Earth has never been safer, in all its history, since the Fall of Atlantis...")

This week’s channeling comes from a reader who asks:

I know as a fifth dimensional being living in a fifth dimensional world, that fear is not and cannot be part of the equation.

So my question is, How can I let go of and rise above the worry and fear for the safety of my children, and fear in general?

I sometimes find it difficult to be certain of our safety and protection.

Recently, someone attempted to abduct or attack my friend's son, and my family also recently had a tornado scare. These felt too real and too close to home.

I'm an optimistic person and look for the best in all, but I'm needing some help to release these fears. I don't want to let the fear stop me from doing things I love (like travel) or to let it make me hold back my children in any way, out of fear of their safety.

I'd so appreciate your perspective.

[The Collective]

Greetings, dear one! We are glad you have asked this crucial question at such a powerful and Earth-shaking time!

And we would say, that what you are classifying as fear is not always fear so much as forms of anxiety and even a feeling of excitement for current and soon-to-occur changes on the Earth.

But we will speak on fear in general, and then on feelings of anxiety for loved ones, particularly children.

Understand that the way that your mind and emotions function now, individually and in relation to one another, is undergoing a metamorphosis.

So that your idea of fear is caught up in this uncomfortable feeling that you or your loved ones might not be safe.

In fact, much of what you are now calling fear is the mind’s uncertainty regarding not only the state of the world, but how your increasingly heart-based awareness is viewing life.

There is a degree to which the world is indeed a ship on rough and uncharted waters at the moment.

Yet you made it clear long ago, before incarnating, that you wanted to experience not only the New Earth and its fifth dimensional expressions, but the actual transition to that new form of living.

You feel your human frailty and smallness more keenly now, as your soul broadens and deepens its expression through you, showing you in your sleep state and increasingly in your waking hours, how powerful and expansive your Universal aspect, your Divine Self, truly is.

That Divine Self is asking you to expand your energies in ways that the ego-mind finds difficult to comprehend, let alone accept.

It would prefer to remain quiet and covered in old beliefs that say that “life” is a thing encompassed purely by the physical body—and that if the breath leaves the body, then life itself is lost.

Or that physical well-being, including financial and physical “security,” is paramount to feeling and being "safe."

Or that weathering the conditions of a world in transition is a matter of controlling what you can, while feeling stressed and uncertain about anything you cannot control.

In fact, this is not your situation. It is the ego-mind’s reading of your situation, but nothing more than that . . . READ MORE