Posted on August 9, 2016 by sundance
Seth Rich was a DNC staffer found shot to death in Washington DC on July 8th 2016. The murder was widely reported as a robbery/homicide. However, the killer(s) took nothing from the victim.
Rich’s watch, phone and wallet were all untouched.
The circumstances led many people to contemplate if Rich was “a source” connected to a larger story. This speculation only increased when WikiLeaks offered a $20,000 reward for any information on the murder. WikiLeaks released emails from a DNC hack a little over two weeks ago.
Now this – via GatewayPundit. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange seems to strongly suggest Seth Rich was connected to the WikiLeaks DNC data leak, possibly the source, and murdered as a consequence:
Very, very disconcerting.
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Very, very disconcerting.
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