Aug 12, 2016

Jesus through John: Where To Invade Next (It demonstrates so very clearly where we are going so deeply wrong here in the glorious USA. Even if you NEVER watch movies, watch this one. We are all ASLEEP!...)

Where To Invade Next

If you have not already seen Michael Moore's movie Where To Invade Next, try to find time. It demonstrates so very clearly where we are going so deeply wrong here in  the glorious USA. Even if you NEVER watch movies, watch this one. We are all ASLEEP!
John Smallman | August 11, 2016 at 11:04 pm


(reblog) Michael Moore: ’Red jer selv!’ (Movie: ' Where to Invade Next ') - 8. April 2016

I forhold til USA gør vi mange ting rigtigt i Europa og i Danmark, men vi udvikler os også i en uheldig retning, mener den amerikanske samfundsrevser, aktivist og filminstruktør Michael Moore. Han har lavet en vred film, der nærmest er identisk med Bernie Sanders politiske program

Læs historien:

Michael Moore talks documentary 'Where to Invade Next'