Alex Collier - AUGUST 9, 2016 Webinar Replay Video Now Available! (Alex: Military on high alert! Prepare for the inevitable. Effect or the Nibiru cataclysm is here!!!. Rising sea levels on shorelines. New capital will be Denver, Colorado. It's been activated. Past 4-5 years government entities has been moving national archives out of DC to Colorado. Europe is preparing, doing what their can. Weather is more extreme, snow, hot weather, gulf stream, volcanoes and earthquakes, lot is going on, lot of energy. Shift in frequencies and vibrations.. The presidency is ths Cabal's entertainment - Don't get into the drama "Wherever your focus goes, your energy flows"...Cabal's/NWO first holographic optical trap of negative field. First buns will be unfriendly aliens to get people's submission and feed on fear. Plasma magnetic field and raise human frequency cannot be stopped and that will help us together with the positive benevolent aliens.... [more in the webinar]).
Alex Collier
Andromedan Contactee Webinar - Aug 5, 2016!
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