Jul 15, 2016

St. Germaine on An Hour with an Angel: “It’s Time for the Next Step” - July 15, 2016

St. Germain, også kaldet “Greven”, er meget aktiv i forbindelse med jordens opstigning til 4. og 5. dimension. Hans største frihedsgave til menneskeheden er den rensende violette flamme. St. Germain har haft mange inkarnationer hurtigt efter hinanden. Af de mere kendte kan nævnes Josef, Marias mand, og han var Merlin, der rådgav og assisterede Kong Arthur ved Camelot. Han inkarnerede som Roger Bacon, en filosof, munk, alkymist og profet som satte stort præg på Englands videnskabelig lag. Senere i denne inkarnation blev han franciskanermunk og mange fler. Endelig inkarnerede han som Greven St. Germain, hvor han blev kendt som Europas “multikunstner”, manden der ved alt. Han kunne alle europæiske sprog, han var en af tidens bedste fægtemestre og var en blændende dygtig violinist og stor maler. Det er blot en forkortet udgave af St. Germain's mangfoldige livs-cyklus. World Trust (Støttefondene) er under formynderskab af Master St. Germain. Kun St. Germain kan aktiverer finansieringens-processen til RV/GCR med lederskab af Dragon Familien m.fl.

Læs mere om St.Germain's historie: Slagplanen fra de Primære Skabere, frigivelse af St. Germains støttefonde i 2014 & 2015

This week on An Hour with an Angel, St. Germaine led our discussion into the importance of surrender.
“It is time for the next step.,” he said in the pre-recording, “this monumental undertaking of surrender.” Golden openings are available to us right now.
Ascension has never been easier, he explained. We’re being flooded not only by the violet flame, the I AM presence, the legions of light, the Company of Heaven, but we’re also being washed and cleansed and raised up to a frequency that we’ve never known. Our job is simply to allow this to happen.

Airs every second Thursday at 4pm PT/7pm ET

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In surrendering, he said, we’re being the beacon, the transmitter of love, completely outside of judgment. We’re both the observer and the participant at the same time in the building of a new realm based on the divine qualities.
We progress by surrender.  We’re here to surrender to the Love and our love and we do that by being vigilant as participant and observer of ourselves to start with. We’ll see and observe many situations that don’t look or appear like love. What do we do? We surrender to the Divine, ourself, and the truth of who we are. And we come back to the love.
Don’t get mixed up in the whirlwind, he asked us. Our participation is to send the energy into the situation but not to drag ourself down by putting ourselves into it.
We can only eradicate what is not of love with love.
You recall that, in a reading I had with him July 1, 2016, Archangel Michael asked me to surrender, let go. I said in an article that followed that I believed his message applied to all of us, not just to me.
And here St. Germaine confirms it.
Come join us for an hour with St. Germaine discussing how to navigate these trying times and create the best possible outcome for ourselves and those around us.