Jul 28, 2016

A Message to Lightworkers - July 28, 2016 CET

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, Bringers of Light!
We see you awakening more and more powerfully, every day—every hour.
And we feel your impatience for your world, that it shift and change and renew itself in ways that introduce the freedom and sovereignty you have called forth.
Know that, as we have said before, there is nothing “unspiritual” about that particular kind of impatience.
For it is calling forth the profound rebirth of your planet into not merely new outer forms, but a whole new vibrational reality, one you have not seen before.
It is not made of the kind of smallness or shadowy darkness through which those of the Light once had to walk, crying out for any kind of Light to accompany you on your Earth journey.
Yes, you have lived many lifetimes in this way, in centuries past—whole lives spent looking for encouragement and a reason to keep going, whether you were suffering under the daily weight of field or factory, raising a dozen children, living out the horrors of war or imprisonment, or the empty, pristine isolation of a life of elitist wealth.
But enough of you cried out, and your Earth Herself cried out, to end the madness that was life on Earth, where even the animals and the elements clashed against one another in aggression, fear, or chaos.
And we have heard you, here in the higher realms.
And we have asked many times to possess clarity and purity of intent as we began reaching out to aid you in your Ascension, your upward climb.
For we fully respect, more than human language can currently express, the freedom of choice and free will nature of this Universe, and of your planet.
There can be no interference or intervention that is not fully warranted and sanctioned by Universal law.
And so now, you look about you and ask, “Where is this great change we have been told is coming?”
And we would say, It is within you.
It is within your very consciousness, that place no Earthly “power” can now control.
At every moment, it shines brighter and more powerfully, connecting vibrationally with higher sources such as the Great Central Sun and all the legions of Angels that surround your Earth.
So that when you look at your world situation, which appears not much changed, or not changed quickly enough, we would say, You are, in fact, moving at Light speed . . .