Jun 10, 2016

David Icke Update: The REAL EU agenda (Blogger: Agree with David, a still increase number of NGO's, military advisers, politicians, experts, bankers, IMF, OECD etc. is out on the cabal media outlets warning us a 'YES' to BREXIT has end-of-the-world bad consequences to european people and the rest of the world. Cabal is sooo frightened that this will be the end of EU power control and shake the core of the economic and monetary union (EMU). On top of that, Denmark's EU referendum is a blow to David Cameron and now Nicola Sturgeon refuses to rule out second Scottish Independence referendum..Well, on a personal note after panama papers, leaked by Cabal or not it doesn't matter, energies demands a new major change on the world, that could be BREXIT. We haven't seen nothing yet...)

David Vaughan Icke er en engelsk forfatter, foredragsholder og tidligere professionel fodboldspiller. Han fremmer konspirationsteorier om den globale politik og har skrevet udførligt om dem. Han har lige optrådt på Wembley Arena, skulle efter signede have været et fantastisk 10 timers show.