May 3, 2016

Simon Parkes Update: May 3, 2016 (Q and A Simon Parkes May 1, 2016 covers many topics including * Explosion at S4 Area 51 * Silver, Economic Collapse @ 8 minutes * Manufacturing in China * Gold Currency Countries * Banning of Vitamins * Fast Food and Coke * Dimensional Shift * Consultations * Meaning of 114 * Kubrick Movies * MK Ultra * Matrix * Babies in western world psychically scanned * Anu, Archons, Sentient Computer, DNA * Alien Abductions, Believe in Self and Sovereignty * Soul Trap * Only show what is real, nothing fake * Mind Wipe * Soul Family, Star Family Group, Love * Suicide, Murder, Ghosts * Iceland Elven, Unseens, Maintaining harmonic frequency * Shiva, CERN, religions, PayPal Papal * Full Disclosure, Orson wells, Fake alien invasion * DNA rejoin that which was taken from us, unlocking codes)

Simon Parkes is a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and ufo's, these include Mantid (Mantis) beings, Draconis Reptilian, Feline, small and tall Grey creatures, Crystalline beings and other creatures that can't be identified. Simon is an elected local politician in Britain and was elected to office AFTER he went public. Simon's biological mother worked for the British Security Service, often called MI5 between 1965 -1979. However while she was managed by British Intelligence she was in fact working "jointly" for the National Security Agency (NSA) of America. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed ufo craft that had come down all over the Earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces/recovery teams......

Published on May 1, 2016

Q and A Simon Parkes May 1, 2016 covers many topics including * Explosion at S4 Area 51 * Silver, Economic Collapse @ 8 minutes * Manufacturing in China * Gold Currency Countries * Banning of Vitamins * Fast Food and Coke * Dimensional Shift * Consultations * Meaning of 114 * Kubrick Movies * MK Ultra * Matrix * Babies in western world psychically scanned * Anu, Archons, Sentient Computer, DNA * Alien Abductions, Believe in Self and Sovereignty * Soul Trap * Only show what is real, nothing fake * Mind Wipe * Soul Family, Star Family Group, Love * Suicide, Murder, Ghosts * Iceland Elven, Unseens, Maintaining harmonic frequency * Shiva, CERN, religions, PayPal Papal * Full Disclosure, Orson wells, Fake alien invasion * DNA rejoin that which was taken from us, unlocking codes
(thanks Cedar)

"In most cases people come here willingly. And we have a whole range of issues that are on our minds when we come here, which we inconveniently forget on arrival. But if the energy resonance of the soul is detected - and just like the law enforcement agencies still use fingerprints, everyone's soul is different and it has a resonance which can be matched - if you've been back on this planet 15, 16 times you are on record: because although your physical body - like Doctor Who you may not recognize the body or the face - the energy soul is the same as it was 100,000 years ago, or a 1,000,000 years ago. So that is detectable.

Now if you, in a previous lifetime, sent a spaceship crashing into a missile base and wiped everyone out, and then you come back again you're a threat: because it means that you are prepared to take direct action, or you are prepared to fight against the elite.

So in order to try to minimize this, what the bad guys do is scan live births on a regular basis. That's what walk-ins are (where somebody has a change of soul at some point in their life. So the original soul departs the body and a new soul comes in.) The whole point of walk-ins is to defeat the sweep of the psychics. So if you are incarnated and you are born in a hospital and you're 3 days old, and then a black magician somewhere who's obviously working for the reptilian type connections, or the artificial intelligence connections, does a sweep: 'Oh you're a reptilian soul; you're no problem at all to us.'

And when that baby's 5 years old, let's say anything from a near death experience to just a waking experience and the soul changes, and a Pleiadian comes into that body that gives that child maybe 5,6,7,8,9,10 years breathing space before it's scanned again, by which time it's no longer a baby and it can defend itself.

You see, human babies rely on their parents to protect them. So when an elite soul, or a soul that is going to make change comes in, it either comes into a military family for protection, a political family, or a family with a vast amount of money - or a really ordinary family that doesn't draw any attention to it.

We don't just incarnate willy nilly. We don't just decide that would be fun to be in this family. It's all chosen and agreed and arranged beforehand. So it's a game, and I don't mean that nicely. It's a massive game of chess. And one side is continually scanning, trying to pick up individuals who could be a problem. And the other side - the good side - is continually trying to defeat the scanning abilities and trying to bring these people of change - you call them starseeds, it doesn't really matter - but bring them in and in enough time before they're detected. And that's been going on since Babylonian times."