Apr 23, 2016

Rob Potter Update with Corey Goode Interview Part 2 Victory of the Light



Dear Promise Friends,

I must appologize for the one week delay in getting this interview out as we had some scheduling difficulties. Speaking of scheduling I am happy to report we have confirmed the joint interview date with Corey and Cobra. The interview will take place May5th and we will release the transcript shortly after that interview.

Because this is a 3 way conversation the voice modulation for Cobra will be difficult and time consuming. We are only going to offer a Transcript for this interview however if someone wants to volunteer to try and edit the Audio version please contact me http://Rob@ThePromiseRevealed.com and be sure to leave your phone number so we can discuss your involvement. You may also mail your suggested questions for this interview to the same email address.

In this interview Corey and I discuss The AI signal and I try to get clarity on exactly what this is all about. There is some talk that this signal has taken over galaxies which is scary. Corey says this signal can be overcome but much more information is needed.

We also discuss free will individual vs the earth people as a group consciousness. There seems to be this idea that even though we are not conscious on the physical level it seems we have made soul contracts and agree to come to earth with the awareness it will be difficult. I have spoken to Omnec and another Venusian who now lives on earth.

They both are here for the duration and for some reason cannot go home. I will guess this is the quarantine is why. In any case they are stuck here like everbody else. They both said they had no idea how very difficult and painful their missions would become. They both were told repeatedly it would be difficult but they chose to come out of compassion and to grow spiritually. Life on earth as we all know is filled with a myriad of challenges. The many beautiful experiences are beyond measure and life is a precious gift.

We may even have it easier than some of our space family guests, because for them them a Paradise Lost descent may be more difficult as we have only inklings of previous experiences where life is more harmonious. A longing to leave and return to the planet of love must be suppressed by them but they have a knowing from having come form there so they also know this is temporary.

We on the other hand for the most part have the unbeleivable beauty of planet earth which is our home to uplift and to inspire us towards the connection the the divine. At the same time we are ignorant of our direct connection to our soul. We are light bulbs on a dimmer switch trying to connect to full light being status. We could access our past lives and have the understanding of what is exactly transpiring it could make things more palatable. For now we strive to break free from our quarantined earth human consciousness.

We must constantly seek the higher spiritual values as we wallow in the muck of the material world. Truth honesty, justice and even love seem to flee from those who earnestly desire reunion. My faith is that there is a plan and that at a certain point this planet and our collective will can acheive. As we choose to nurture and to have tolerance for each other to our individual merits will turn the tide for love.

The space family in its entirety are the key to earths destiny. Corey, Cobra and the many many people before them are part of this unveiling of the Truth. I personally have been seeking answers my entire life and I feel the lid is about to pop on many levels.

These interviews will hopefully establish in the group resonant field the reality we perceive is not the only reality that exists. The more aware and compassionate we all become the sooner we can rejoice together to live life as it is intended to be. Free prosperous happy joyful peaceful and loving. We must realize our brothers and sisters the world over are not as happy as we are.

We must reach out to sacrifice ourselves or at least our complacency for the greater cause of justice. The money slave system reality is about to pop and we must not mourn its death and be prepared to give for the sake of giving. To be present because it is the right thing to do.

Listen and learn from all and ponder and reflect on what is real. Let your soul guide you into a path of service that will benefit not only you but our fellowman. If you are passionate make ways to reach others aware that we are all brothers and sisters and that we must stand up and create a better way and find solutions to the earths problems so we are prepared when the opportunity arises to implement a new paradigm of living in right relationship with all creation.

May the effort of Corey and the countless other people who are doing the right thing because it is what must be done be a glimmer nay a powerful explosion of light that gives you hope and patience.The end of the tunnel is in sight and we did not come here to fail. The time for what me must all endure as the changes upon us all will uplift and depress and through it all realize it is a wonderful time to be alive.

In The Light of Our Radiant One

Warm Regards

Victory To The Light

Rob Potter

I wish to ask if someone can donate their expertise for free to help Kristopher Kalla who runs an orphange in tanzania to create a website? He has 23 children to feed and his efforts and dedication are wonderful. This is real if you doubt it please contact him and call him on skype he is with his flock every day and you can see his situation.

If you would like to help please either contact me 530-925-3502 or kristopher here. http://k.kristofa@yahoo.com or his facebook here https://www.facebook.com/christopher.kala1

Please donate to the website fund here Generousity website campaign

Transcript Corey Goode Part 2

Ladies and Gentlemen,
IAM your host Rob Potter and I’d like to welcome you to a special edition of the Victory of Light Radio show;- Corey Goode Secret Space Program (SSP) the push for full disclosure part 2. I’d like to thank people at Pyramid One; Bob Charles and Bob Allen having me on their show. I’d like to remind you they do have a donation button to keep their site running and keep these shows going.

Read more: http://thepromiserevealed.com/rob-potter-and-corey-goode-interview-part-2-victory-of-the-light-04-21-2016/