(Before It's News)
Abstract: There is an elitist master plan to destroy Europe’s borders and old culture ethnically, religiously, economically for the purpose of a communist one-world government (Agenda 21). Order out of chaos is the motto of the Masonic spirits behind it. But first they want to create chaos by
1) Muslim mass immigration – by pursuing Coudenhove Kalergi´s and President Sarkozy’s racial interbreeding philosophy
2) War. Furthermore, they obviously want to achieve the Biblical Endtime scenario in the Middle East (Pentacostals, Chabad Lubavitch), i.e. the Albert Pike / William Carr Plan for the 3rd World War.
Soros’ / Rothschild´s open society plan is necessary for the Rothschild banking / finance, etc. corporations to completely plunder open societies. States that refuse are considered closed, the so-called rogue states – and are bound for Open Society Revolutions.
Therefore Soros’ Open Society’s many undermining NGOs that are practically behind all unrest and revolution in today’s world (Arab Spring, color revolutions) – together with USA´s Freedom House and National Endowment for Democracy (funded by Congress).
This article shows the plan that is behind the Muslim mass immigration, in 8 obvious stages:
1) The Euro-Mediterranean Process / Mediterranean Union
2) Puppet Masonics bombing Middle East / Africa
3) Local massive mendacious propaganda + USA-paid fare tickets for migrants to Europe
4) Rothschild agent George Soros’ European Program for Integration and Migration is sponsored by the super-wealthy elitists / mighty Funds (EPIM). PASOS comprises the European Commission and Parliament, NATO, USA’s Congress NGO NED and Soros’ Open Society. Both aim at eliminating all borders. Bribery is flourishing
5) Freemason Angela Merkel invites Muslims worldwide and then commands other EU countries to take their share.
6) Rothschild agent and NAZI collaborator, George Soros, has just released a 7-point demand on behalf of his master acc. to which Europe has to take at least 1 million Muslim immigrants annually – as well as to pay for the maintenance of at least 4 million refugees in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon and per migrant in Europe at least 15,000 euros a year the first 2 years.
In addition, the EU must spend at least 8-10bn euros on the frontline states (So they loot us – and now even comes the grand climate looting (Paris 15. Dec.). Besides, the EU must create safe journey channels to Europe from the front.
7) There is an asylum industry which costs the EU 140 billion euros, and 1.2 million people are employed. Behind this stands Rothschild´s Barclay’s Bank – his son-in-law was chairman of the bank and is in the control committee of the Bilderbergers. N.M. Rothschild and Sons is a shareholder.
8. UNs Special Representative for International Migration, a former Goldman Sachs (Rothschild bank) Board Member, EU Commissioner and head of the European Trilateral Commission, Peter Sutherland, calls on the EU to undermine the homogeneity of the member states and to eliminate all borders.
This blog has often pointed out that there is a Pharisaic and Masonic elitist master plan with UN support behind the destructive Muslim mass immigration – with the purpose of creating cultural and economic chaos in Europe – and then to complete the Communist one world government, the Agenda 21. and its wealth redistribution through abolishing nation states and the piteously tiny remnants of the teachings of Christ. As EU Commission President Juncker says: Mass immigration will empower the EU. Therefore, the EU wants to establish “welcome” zones.
Add to this that Coudenhove Kalergi and Pres. Sarkozy want(ed) to destroy the white race through mass immigration and intermarriage, so that future Europeans will look like ancient Egyptians. Already in 2013 – before the mass immigration – it was predicted that in 2038, Europe would look like North Africa today! Now it’s going much faster.
The plan is to create a Europe without borders, European culture and the teachings of Christ as well as with wealth redistribution, ethnic intermingling and a dictatorial one world government open for corporate looting by means of Muslim mass immigration. “Order our of Chaos” – but first create the Chaos to make the old order crumble.
This article will show the steps of this satanic plan
I: The whole charadeafrican-recruiting is long planned – and top-Freemasons / Illuminati are now openly steering the destruction of Europe – as already planned by the Euro-Mediterranean Process.
In 2008, the EU allowed recruiting agencies in Mali and Cape Verde to lure 56 Mio african “workers” to come to Europe by the year 2050. In addition they were entitled to be reunited with their large big families.
II: Let Puppet Masons and here and Rothschild´s choice, Prince Hall Mason and “Jewish” Pres. Obama bomb Muslim countries into ruins by means of the “War on Terror” and allied scapegoats like Al Qaeda and ISIS – thus making people refugees and desperate. (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria – bin Laden, Weapons of mass destruction, “Gaddhafi, Assad are rascals” – in reality: Oil geostrategy and Rothschild central bank enforcement).
III: Local Massive Propaganda promising hopeful refugee, a house and a car as well as free fare to Europe and willing blonde Swedish girls
Kopp Online 10. Okt. 2015: The EPIM promotional film “Why Engage” calls on NGOs to participate. It shows that NGO representatives who deal with the subject “voice of migrants”, “Media and Migrants” and “undocumented migrants” end up finding a treasure island with three large chests full of coins! If one makes lobbying for migrants and migration to Europe his theme, he does not have more money worries!
IV: On 10 Oct. 2015 the Kopp Verlag wrote: Already in 2012, Soros employee Sheena McLoughlin (Program Manager in the European Program for Integration and Migration) wrote in an article “Plea for the defenseless migrants in the European policy-making” at Open Society Foundations something more about sponsoring pro-migration NGOs and the structures within the super-rich donor world elite.
The foregoing implies that the migration and open borders advocates were deliberately constructed by super rich elites against the law of European countries and their institutions.
“Strengthening the capacities of (Soros’) NGOs for lobbying at the European level is essential if we are to achieve a balanced policy.”
And in the sense of the Open Society, balanced policy is precisely those who are for flight and migration and do not reveal the causes of the destruction of homeland and fight by civil society and financial resources.
TEPIMhe Robert Bosch Stiftung: Without cultural and religious diversity, Germany is no longer conceivable: black, red and gold (German flag) has long been multicoloured. To us and our project, it means to come from special programs for immigrants to taking an active organization of cultural and religious pluralism of society. Through our practical work, we want, moreover, to contribute to theestablishment of an effective welcome and recognition culture for immigrants in Germany.
SOURCE: uanmatus.com