Feb 21, 2016

BREAKING: Nuclear Expert in Japan: Plutonium “is everywhere… it is everywhere” after Fukushima reactors exploded — It’s being redeposited in “unanticipated” locations — “Black radioactive dust just wherever you go” — “It’s running right into Pacific Ocean” (They plan to burn 10 tons a day of material waste "radioactive contamination" by incinerator, 30M tons in total, that means 3M days, a thousand years!!!!.....)

Blogger: How Can YOU Help! First time i heard  prayers was through Ted Mahr at the conference in Mt Shasta (Masaru Emoto - "My sincere request to the concerned people in the world") Every day x 3 times = Water we are sorry, Water please forgive us, Water we thank you, Water we love you. I Do this affirmations a little bit different = Water we are sorry, Water please forgive us, Water please save Fukushima and world's water supply, Water we love you.....Use prayers when you hold a cop of tap water before drinking, taste will change... trust me..
Published: February 19th, 2016 at 9:42 am ET
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Excerpts from interview with Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds’ chief engineer and former nuclear engineer during speaking tour in Japan, Feb 17, 2016 (at 2:30 in):

Full interview here: Soundcloud | YouTube