Dec 9, 2015

The Hidden Hand Puppet Master at The US Oval Office has sent IS letters to all Scandinavian countries asking for more political and military support. We reply: Yes my Master, Your Wishes Is My Command.. Dec 9, 2015

So... we are actually in war with USA.... If, we assume ISIS is part of U.S./MI6/CIA/RKM proxyarmy 

RKM(is an abbreviation to represent the 'Rothschild Khazarian Mafia')

According to ritzau, US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, has not only sent a letter to Denmark, requesting more support in the fight against Islamic State (IS). Similar letters has been sent to Sweden, Norway and Finland, writes the Nordic news agency TT in Sweden, NTB in Norway and FNB in Finland. Read the article in danish news media

Now we just heard, that U.S. attacks Syrian Miliary Compound few days ago.. and now..

... ESCALATION and DECEPTION: Saudi and German Troops Move into Mosul area

BREAKING: Tyrkiet invaderer Irak - Media er tavse

Exposed, the American ISIS Nexus... It's so pathetic how our political leaders in one string, must comply since Denmark (size of a walnut) are part of the NATO and us led- coalition. In the other string, we have absolutly no clue who is in charge as the hidden hand in the geopolitical and warmongering fear agenda play their game.....

I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions......