Nov 19, 2015
Danish Ole Dammegard: Pres. Hollande, G-20, Climate Summit part of Paris Friday13th classic False Flag - Nov 19, 2015 CET
Also listen to: Danish Ole Dammegard | False Flags, The Caravan of Crisis Actors, & Their Global Terror Tour (False Flag Terror Attack successful in Denmark, did we prevent Italy attack after disclosure?)- April 12, 2015
Also listen to: Ole Dammegård | Ebola “news” is psyops. CDC is a CIA proprietary corp. Bilderbergers operationalized JFK assassinat (video)
Also listen to: Copenhagen | ANOTHER FALSE FLAG? CITIZEN CALLS IT ON FACEBOOK! (Video) Running the same template, Police Terrorism Drill Plan In Full Effect: First Dublin, Paris, Copenhagen and then Italy acc. Ole Dammegård. Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today - The patsies will have some kind of link to Islamic State, the bogeyman created by Israel and its friends in Western intelligence agencie