Oct 29, 2015

Q & A with Cobra – Rob Potter Interview - Sept 29, 2015 CET

Hvem er Cobra: Stifter af bloggen http://2012portal.blogspot.com ; Denne blog er den officielle formidler af kommunikation fra modstandsbevægelsen.

Eftersom jeg for længst har givet efter på disse højst usædvanlige fænomener og trosberetninger for vores forfædre samt galaktiske venners færden, er det en god ide som nybegynder, at læse eller slå tingene op via bibliotecapleyades.net (google søgeord og vælge dette site) eller (http://www.verdensalt.dk/2014/08/kort-situationsopdatering-pa-kloden.html) for at forstå hele sammenhængen.

Blogger: President Vladimir Putin is working with the Pleiadians and not with the negative race that would be termed as Tall Whites. 'Draco' - superior race, taken human bodies and today, they are the Cabal, the Illuminati - Hillary Clinton just said recently that she’s not human actually. California drought is engineered by HAARP/Cabal. Antoher civilization that is quite advanced and has created a so-called Dyson Sphere has turned up now, least hundreds of thousands of miles in diameter.... 1999, when the Resistance Movement came to this planet, the RM had a quite strong force inside of the solar system, especially the asteroid belt, and they were beginning a house clearing operation. They were clearing all those Illuminati structures throughout the solar system. In the year 2012... Implants in all humans - they are no longer black holes. They are now just rotating singularities, which means that they are not so strong any more, but still the veil, the network, the technology, the plasma, it’s all there still. The veil is still there, so this has to go before the Event happens...Will there be any advanced off-world technology or public landings before the Event, and I guess this leads to the question of Keshe?When possitive confirmation that he has successfully completed the device has been received, it will be a explosion. It will be a chain reaction of positivity. It will be a chain reaction of light. When this happens, then, of course, we can provide Mr Keshe with dramatic distribution and production capabilities.... The situation is North Korea is not good. Actually, this is one of the most distorted places on this planet. There are certain plans underway, certain alliance dragon forces that are working on this situation, but it’s a tough problem and I don’t expect really this to change before the Event....Most of the reptilians are not in the show business. They are mercenaries. Those who are in the show business are mostly Dracos...Archons(negative Andromedans) - heavily dark plotting negative forces actually have turned to the light now...The master Chimera group, a small group and master Archon group, they are the ones who coordinate the plans and they give input for those plans in their master computer, which gives possible solutions. So it’s an interaction between actual beings and the AI (Artificial Intelligence) computer network that is called The Veil - black nobility, the Archons controlling the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta, and they are controlling the Rothschilds, and they then branch to the Israeli, actually the Khazarian network which is in Israel, US, UK, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia.....Archangel Michael is one of the archangels actually. There are many archangels which are angels which have come to a very higher level of spiritual evolution and he was quite a galactic warrior. He was creating a protective barrier around the negative forces to stop the contamination of the galaxy - The Logos of the galaxy is not the being that some people term as Christ... much much more in the transcript...


Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen.  Welcome to another special edition of the Victory of Light radio show.  I’m your host Rob Potter.  We’re going to have Cobra on in just a few minutes. As usual I always give a little update on all my  radio interviews on what’s going […]