Sep 12, 2015

We Will Rebuild - Sept 12, 2015

Here we are at another anniversary of 9/11 and still the truth has not generally come out.

There are many articles on this site from over the years on that subject. (1)

Most estimates are that something like 3-6,000 people died on that day. It was more like 50,000.

Still no articles have come out acknowledge that Muslims had so little to do with that day that it could be said that they had nothing to do with it. Certainly it was not an event planned or carried out by Muslims. Yet there has to this day not been an apology made to Muslims for their suffering and wrongful “conviction” for the events of that day. They were the patsies, the fall guys.

I do apologize here, on behalf of all decent people, to the world Islamic community for the travesty of justice perpetrated on them and for their subsequent suffering.

It was planned and carried out by western governments, most prominently the American, and rogue agents in black-ops units of the American and Israeli intelligence corps and the American military.

Its object was to take over first Afghanistan (opium), then Iraq (oil) and finally Iran (oil). If these countries could not be taken over, then Plan B would have the cabal behind 9/11 start a world war by nuclear-bombing Iran.

They’d have lasted out the ensuing nuclear winter in their deep underground military bunkers (DUMBs), which were destroyed in 2011. Of course every attempt to ferry nuclear weapons to the Middle East to be used against Iran was foiled by … well, you know who. The same ones who destroyed the DUMBs.

I haven’t followed what happened to the leading figures in 9/11 – Bush, Cheney, the rest of their cabinet, Blair, and all the shadowy figures in the alphabet agencies. Many of them are or could be clones, for all I know. Some clones are being kept alive simply so that they can stand in for their originals at trials designed to offer the world closure.

Unravelling the thread of 9/11 takes us into the worlds of mind control, Manchurian candidates, world Nazism, the Illuminati, black operations, assassinations, and everything so dark that few people want to research it. I stopped researching it when I discovered the Illuminati were responsible for, among many other things, snuff flicks. That was it for me. I could go no further.

But the story of 9/11 does need to be known. It was the greatest tragedy perpetrated on the world outside the 20th-Century genocides. But it was only one of many black ops.

For instance, we know that the Murrah Building in Oklahoma was another government operation to get the Patriot Act passed and shrink our civil rights.

We know that the London bombings were staged and three innocent Muslim youths killed as the patsies for that operation.

Madrid, Mumbai, Islamabad, Boston – on and on the list goes of false-flag operations designed to deprive the population of civil rights in the repressive measures that followed.

Add to that the weather-warfare operations carried out – Haiti, Chile, Fukushima, New Orleans, etc. – another long list of operations in which our governments, there to protect us, set out to destroy us.

All of this is so sad and yet the truth must come out, even if it brings fresh suffering to those who were victimized in the first instance. The boil must be lanced if the wound is to heal.

So many servicemen and women, and the relatives of those who died, will also suffer when they learn the truth of the Illuminati wars in which they served and died.

Agencies whose only purpose is to abet the phony “war on terrorism” or serve the financial elite – Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration, the Federal Emergency Management Association, the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue Agency – all must either go or be overhauled from top down and bottom up.

We will do that. We promise to get this job done. We will build a new world on the rubble of the old that operates on the basis of truth, integrity and compassion.

The truth has not yet come out but, when it does, the work of reconstruction can begin.


(1) See “9/11 and Other False-Flag Operations” here: