Jun 6, 2015


I was contacted today from a very dear friend and reliable source that we are in the midst of a big shift in the Earths Tectonic structure.

This person has been correct in the past (predicted the Japan Tsunami 6 months before it happened and this is verified) and I was asked to share this with the viewers here.

This is not fear porn but a heads up to you ALL.
Now would be a good time to stock up on dry goods and canned food and supplies. Those of you in the plate areas please get ready.
What does that mean though? It means that if you live near a fault line area be ready to be bounced around. If you are on the coastal areas you might want to go at least 150 miles inland if you can. If you live in the New Madrid fault line area head north if you can.

If Cayce's predictions were correct, and I have always known they were, the fracture will cause the Great Lakes to drain south. Those in the Mississippi River regions will need a boat.

I have been wondering why the Jade Helm internment camps were placed where they were and I think this is one of the reasons. They know what is up is what I get.
I wish ALL the best.
Much LOVE to ALL here!
