Jun 4, 2015

David Schmidt Update & Report on RV/GCR (NOTHING Will Happen Before September 2015, STOP keep feeding Dinar/Dong Gurus, NO public RV announcement) - June 4, 2015

Dave Schmidt has a unique background in banking and finance, plus as a State Senator and a seminary graduate. Dave looks at politics, money and world affairs from a different paradigm, with passion for uncovering the truth about government and political issues in conjunction with how they impact our lives. In fact, Dave Schmidt has been a "whistleblower" on two different Discovery Channel TV programs as an expert on how government covers up and lies about what really goes on.

Latest Newsletter: Report: http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs180/1115317900155/archive/1121048149734.html

June 3rd Report, Update and Q&A with The Ambassador

Today's radio program will discuss new developments and updates along with a prerecorded Q&A session with The Ambassador.