May 17, 2015

Bombshell Video: “The Holocaust is the Biggest and Most Persistent Lie in History” – German Woman Appears on TV and Annihilates the Official Story

.... Hold tight, don't shoot the messenger, i'm intrigued by the alternative theories and bringing it forward.... Did Hitler vanished from his bunker, (replaced by a clone), fled to Argentina and then US by submarine and lived on secret location until his death? FBI Documents Sugest exactly that! We never know, do we?.... 
Ursula Haverbeck draw conclusion about another hypothesis, that here we have the ultimate, perhaps most outstanding proof that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp but rather a working camp in which all of the workers interned there were indispensable for the armanments industry... What happened to the six million jews? Listen to this intriguing interview..... Why has no one ever brought this up before?....

(Before It's News)
In 2015, Ursula Haverbeck made history in a defiant interview in which she threw down the gauntlet to the biggest taboo of our times. Revisionism . . . on German TV! A seismic event.

Will Ursula Haverbeck go to jail for these statements of historical fact? Why are there laws forbidding the examination of history?

Credit to for finding this!

See also Hellstorm: Exposing the Real Genocide of Nazi Germany

You might also like: History is Written By the Victors: Adolf Hitler – The Greatest Story Never Told(Rated over 8 out of 10 by over 800 IMDB Ratings!)