Apr 27, 2015

Golden Gaia News Science and Technology Special Report: April 27, 2015

Hvis man frigav alle patenter fra det 20. århundrede, teknologisk levedygtige, forurening-fri, kostfrie energikilder som bliver undertrykt af regeringer, ville fossil brændstoffer ophører øjeblikkeligt. Den type enheder, der angiveligt er undertrykt omfatter evighedsmaskiner, kold fusion generatorer, torus -baserede generatorer, reverse-ingeniørvidenskab, udenjordisk teknologi og andre generelt udokumenterede eller pseudovidenskabelige. Vil Tesla's nye batteri til bilen eller Hyperloop højhastigheds transportsystem revolutionære verden? 

April 27, 2015 By Dina Brands

Infinite Energy

For today’s report, I had an urge to focus on a technology that has been in our realm for a while. Yes, there have been promises in the wind, and some of us wonder if maybe it’s just a pipe dream. But infinite energy technology (also known as free energy or zero-point energy), has been available for some time, maybe since the 1930s.

No, we do not have free energy units installed in our homes yet. But certainly we are at the cusp of manifesting this reality sooner rather than later. Needless to say, that a readily-available, unlimited energy source would provide universal abundance for all. Access to affordable, renewable energy would alleviate human suffering related to clean water, food, housing, and transportation.

Energy is abundant in the radiance of the space that surrounds us all. Our focus on using new theories that unify the relationship between space, mass, inertia, light, and gravity, can change the way energy is harnessed. These transformative technologies will be readily accessible when the consciousness of the planet uplifts itself in the spirit of love, peace, understanding, and co-operation. Releasing available free energy technology can evolve quite simply when we unify together with the willingness to better the lives of our fellow man, forcing the abandonment of concepts such as money, greed, and entitlement.

I invite the curious-minded to explore further into the multiple theories and ideas that have encroached the reality of infinite energy. These ideas have been growing for decades, and include innovations from leaders in the field such as M.T. Keshe (Keshe Foundation), Paramahamsa Tewari, and John Hutchison. The magic of infinite energy is here, all we need to do is make it a reality on a global scale, for the benefit of all humanity.

Multiple Scientists Confirm The Reality of Free Energy – Here’s The Proof by Arjun Walia for Collective Evolution

Anti-gravity Free Energy Now by John Hutchison on YouTube

Breaking News: Over-Unity Reactionless Generator Invented In India By Toby Grotz

Keshe Foundation