Mar 19, 2015

Golden Gaia News Roundup: March 19, 2015

GAOG: Evolution and the DNA Strand.

Have you ever heard of “Junk DNA”? If you haven’t, are you even aware that as human beings we have two strands of DNA that are connected and active, while we have 10 additional strands that are “junk,” or not fully functional, or misunderstood on a scientific level of understanding? This is something I have been reading more and more on lately as I become more aware of myself on a multi-dimensional level.

Understanding the physical body from only the standpoint of medical science and physiology can oftentimes be very limiting when we think about it. The reason I say this is very simple. Evolution goes so far physically before we need to make the jump “spiritually,” and I mean that in whatever way that means to you, the reader. As the spiritual path is as individual as DNA, so is your connection to how you choose to describe your own experience.

So, given the fact that we don’t have a need to evolve into a human being with five arms, what is the next most natural point of evolution for the beings on earth? This evolution is not just in humans, but in all sentient beings who inhabit this plane of existence. We are all going through a process of spiritual evolution, which brings me back to this discussion on DNA.

If we are created with these strands of DNA, but they are not “firing”, “activated”, or being used in any way, then why do we have them? Perhaps, it’s our conscious reconnection to them that marries the evolution of our spiritual energies and our physical bodies.

Junk DNA: Maybe it’s Just Misunderstood.

In my first article, NY Times offers up a point of view indicating that the once widely used term “junk DNA” is no longer relevant because, as it turns out, geneticists have found that the non-coded DNA appears “to be doing stuff.”

Is Most of Our DNA Garbage? by Carl Zimmer for the New York Times

“Human Genome is 90% Junk…”

My second article basically says the same stuff as the first one, but it does make reference to natural selection and the fact that just because 90% of our DNA is not functional now, that doesn’t mean we won’t have a need for it to be functional in the future.

Human genome junk dna on RT News

“Our DNA has been mutating for the past 5-20 years and the end result is not yet known…”

My third article, is fascinating on many levels. Not only does it make reference to our evolving towards a fully functional 12-strand DNA, it also indicates that this is an emotional/physical evolution. An amazing finding in this study is that it also points out that DNA is always changing.

Another incredible finding in this study is some research Russia has made with understanding that genetic code follows the same rules as language; and through the course of introducing frequencies and light, doctors are able to remedy a number of genetic medical problems that some doctors treat by cutting into or splicing our genetics. This, my friends, is the future of medicine.

Scientists Finally Present Evidence on Expanding DNA Strands by Marco Torres for My Science Academy

“We are developing 12 Strands!”

In my final article submission of the day, here is less mainstream source. Not only is there confirmation that our DNA strands are currently mutating into more functional strands, but it also goes on to highlight a personal story of a boy that was born with three functioning strands of DNA. He has other medical issues, but I don’t feel they are primarily linked to the extra strand.

Amazing! Scientists: Our DNA is Mutating As We Speak! We Are Developing 12 Strands! by Patricia Resch for Humans are Free

So, what are we looking at here? Is there truly proof that we are evolving through the course of our DNA mutating? Science medicine seems to think that, yes, we are in fact mutating and have been for the last 5-20 years. Those of us who were born in that time frame could very well of been born with slightly different DNA that hasn’t caused us any physical evidence. Possibly, some of us that have been born with more strand formations or DNA that is evolving might be experiencing our multi-dimensionality as we were always meant to. Perhaps, psychics, healers, or mystics are the ones who are seeing the effects of a higher percentage of functioning DNA.

It really makes me wonder, if we were to get a DNA sample of an ascended master, how many strands would we find?

We are far greater beings than we have been told, far greater than most of us realize.

Light and Love,
