Feb 22, 2015


Published on Feb 21, 2015

Source: http://www.ufointernationalproject.co...
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The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Sunday, 22-Feb-2015 03:43:58

By Lisa Haven

In Manitboa, Canada on the Jackhead Reservation reports have been surfacing of a UFO crash landing into Lake Winnipeg. Recently a call came into Thrid Phase of the Moon reporting this. The man went by the name of Mark. Here is part of the dialogue:

“Apparently a disc shaped craft was seen crashing through the ice on the lake, at least one person got photographic evidence but has since been detained by the Canadian military. UFO crash in rural Manitoba Canada: A UFO crash landed into a frozen lake within the last 24 hours on a Indian reservation in rural Manitoba. I have contact with a former resident of the reservation and their family still lives on the reservation and informed them about the situation this evening.

I have also been informed that nobody is allowed to leave or enter the reservation at this time and that the military has been going door to door talking with residents. They are telling the residents that they are conducting emergency training exercises, but there has been an extreme cold front in Manitoba over the last 2 days and it is extremely dangerous to spend time outdoors for any period.

The military has moved in all their equipment effectively blocking any view of what may have crashed into the water or what they are doing there, but I’m sure they are recovering the evidence.

I will get back in touch with in a few hours, I was told the name of the reservation but it was very long and hard to pronounce, I will get the exact spelling of the reservation in a few hours when I meet with my contact and I will forward any new information over.” Mark

Here is the full video dialogue between Third Phase and Mark (the aircraft in the video is not the aircraft they are talking about, it’s just pictured during conversation)


UFO near Jackhead? It's actually a plane, says military

Canadian Forces in Lake Winnipeg area this week for Arctic training exercise - read the story