Dec 14, 2014

SugarScience is the authoritative source for evidence-based, scientific information about sugar and its impact on health. is designed as an authoritative source for the scientific evidence about sugar and its impact on health. Developed by a team of health scientists from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), the site reflects an exhaustive review of more than 8,000 scientific papers that have been published to date, with a focus on the areas where the science is strongest – specifically, on diabetes, heart disease and liver disease. The goal of SugarScience is to take this information out of medical journals and make it available to the public, to help individuals and communities make healthy choices.

Foruden alt den mad, som vi konsumere og indeholder ALT for meget sukker, lad nu være med at bilde Jer selv ind, at det er et amerikansk fænomen, tror det er endnu værre i Danmark og især i den vestlige verden. Vi ved, at for meget sukker er usundt. ... en slikskål, i hjemmet er lørdagsslik blevet til hverdagsslik, og i fritidsklubben og til idræt slukkes tørsten med sodavand, læskedrikke samt energidrikke. Jeg har personligt aldrig set så stort et udvalg af slik (fra især danske slikproducenter) nogen steder i verden som i Danmark. Ikke nok med det, flere og flere af de gode gamle velkendte Chokoladebutikker så som Sv. Michelsen svinder væk fra gadebilledet, ind kommer de billige bland-selv-slik, hvor kvaliteten og prisen hænger sammen - vi ser flere sager poppe frem med slik og sodavand sortbørs-markeder samt uhumske opbevaringsteder hvor rotter og flere årig gammel slik kommer ud til supermarkederne og udvalgte butikker. Det er et kæmpe marked, med millioner penge at tjene..... Mad producenterne "skjuler" hvad de putter i maden, smarte deklarationer, uden ansvarlighed og etik...Sukkerafhængighed er dybt forankret i den samfundsmæssige udvikling i den vestlige verden, hvor det nærmest er blevet en livsstil at spise fastfood og slik samt at drikke sukkerholdige drikkevarer..... 

Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
Over time, too much liquid sugar can lead to serious diseases
Liquid sugar, such as in sodas, energy drinks and sports drinks, is the leading single source of added sugar in the American diet, representing 36% of the added sugar we consume.1 And there's growing scientific evidence that it's the most dangerous way to consume added sugar.....

Hidden in Plain Sight
Added sugar is hiding in 74% of packaged foods We tend to think that added sugar is mainly found in desserts like cookies and cakes, but it's also found in many savory foods, such as bread and pasta sauce. And some foods promoted as "natural" or "healthy" are laden with added sugars, compounding the confusion.........

The Toxic Truth
Too much fructose can damage your liver, just like too much alcohol
There is growing scientific consensus that one of the most common types of sugar, fructose, can be toxic to the liver, just like alcohol.1,2
Fructose is the sugar that makes fruit taste sweet. For most people, there's nothing wrong with eating fructose in its natural state, in fruit........

Too Much Can Make Us Sick
Eating too much added sugar doesn't just expand our waistlines
Heart disease. Diabetes. These chronic conditions are among the leading causes of death worldwide.1 Increasingly, scientists are focusing on a common set of underlying metabolic issues that raise people's risk for chronic disease.......

How Much Is Too Much?
The growing concern over too much added sugar in our diets
For most people, experts agree that some added sugar in the diet is fine. But the truth is, most Americans are consuming way too much — on average, nearly 66 pounds of added sugar per person, every year.......

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