Dec 18, 2014

100,000 Signatures In 30 Days Are Needed For A White House Response About Extraterrestrials

By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Dec 17, 2014 - By Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

“I’ve known truly honest, deeply committed members of the government, members of the administrations, members of the congress and those who hold cabinet positions that, even before today, have been particularly prominent and have been wanting to end the “truth embargo.” Regardless of what we think of the evidence at this point, we know that there needs to be hearings, and there needs to be official hearings. ” (source) – Former U.S. Congressperson Merrill Cook

A petition will be launched on January 7th, 2015 by Steven Basset encouraging the United States government to hold congressional hearings regarding all of the information that has surfaced over the past few years pointing to the fact that an extraterrestrial presence has been interacting with the human race for quite some time. If the petition receives 100,000 signatures the White House will respond.

I am creating awareness about it now to let people know, and will also be doing the same when January 7th comes around with a link posted to where you will be able to sign, so keep at look out for it.

With regards to the picture you see used for this article, it’s real. In 1952 UFOs were spotted near the White House that prompted worldwide interest. They were visually confirmed as well as radar confirmed. You can read more about what happens when UFOs are tracked on radar here.

They made national news and it was heard around the world to the point where President Truman was forced to speak about them, you can see what he had to say here. This sighting could not be hidden.

  "Oh yes we discuss it at every conference that we’ve had with the military. There’s always things like that going on, flying saucers and they’ve had other things you know, if I’m not mistaken.” (source)

Regardless of what you think, extraterrestrial craft or advanced human craft – the implications are huge. I wonder what Truman is referreing too when he says “they’ve had other things you know.” Could he be referring to extraterrestrial bodies? Who knows.

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