Nov 22, 2014

How To Feel Better -Teal Swan - (Feeling Signatures)

Published on Nov 22, 2014

Subscribe to Weekly Podcast of Tea Time With Teal here: http://thespiritualcatalyst.us6.list-...

Some of us are fortunate to have had the experience of a good feeling life. Others of us have had more painful experiences in our lives than we have had good feeling experiences. As a result, we have a limited experience with positive feeling states. When this is the case, it is difficult for us to feel positive feeling states because they seem alien to us. . When people tell us to do what makes us feel safe or to do what makes us feel joy, we find ourselves confused. The problem is that we keep trying to work with what we don’t have instead of what we do have.
In this episode, Teal presents the concept of “feeling signatures” and shows us how to use them in order to feel better.
Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel - used by permission

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