Oct 24, 2014

Dave Schmidt: Oct 23nd, Live Q&A with the Ambassador : Who are Red Dragon Family!!!!!! Part 1-3:

Hvis vi skulle se tilbage i historiebøgerne om 200 år, så ville vi sige, uge 43 2014, var startskuddet for magtskiftet og Cabals nedtur indtil Feb 2015!!! Lad os se om det holder vand.


 PART 1: 22. Oktober 2014


Linker til PART 1: hvor jeg oversætter det som Dave diskutere i den newscast den 22 Oktober 2014, og det jeg har opsnappet igennem tiden omkring Dragon Familien.

Hvis man har mod på at lytte til "hele" Dave Schmidt's Radio Program ( 2 timer lang ) : her

Det er særdeles værdifuld information fra Dave Schmidt, download det og smid det på en USB og lyt til det i bilen.
  • ( Mark 00-32 ) Dave forsøger at fange øjeblikkets enorme positive ændringer som er sket HER OG NU og magtskiftet fra Cabal til Dragon Familien, 555 overcomes 666. Fra Mørke fra Lyset.
  • ( Mark 32-40 ) Ambassadøren går på og beskæftiger begivenhedernes tilstand
  • ( Mark 40-104) Dave går i detaljer omkring Ambassadøren, Dragon Familien, BRIC alliancen, hans egen politiske karriere, fortier sandheden og illusionen fra politikere og medier, magtbalancen og den hemmelighedsfulde, bag om scenen, konfrontation som udspiller sig fra Lightworkers.....  
  • ( Mark 105-120) Lyttere ringer ind ...
Her er lige mine egen observationer som for tiden plastre til i de lokale og globale nyhedsmedier, dvs. false flag begivenheder, hvor Cabal igen, forsøger at bringe frygt og angst for at vi forbliver i den illusion som de ønsker os og fortier sandheden, et smoke-screen ... vi ser det hver evigt eneste gang, Sidste gang var det Bombe ved Boston Marathon, andre skoleskyderier, utøya massakre, Cabal fortsætter med at skabe problemer, en konstant uro, hvor de kan, for at få en overreaktion,  fremme deres plan om at stramme kontrollen og skabe endnu flere konflikter. Det er den gamle problem-reaktion-løsning ... splitte og erobre mentalitet! Menneskeheden må opvågne!
Piger bortført igen af Boko Haram, Ubådsjagt i Sverige, baby dræbt i terrorangreb i Jerusalem, Våben fejldroppede til ISIS, Skoleskyder i Seattle, WHO advarer om 10.000 ebola tilfælde, EU og ekstra regning fra kontigentkontor (hvorfor lige nu?), Skyderi i Canada, Dansk aggression mod  Tyrkiet, IDF dræber en palæstinensisk-amerikansk teenager Vestbredden .... hvorfor bliver vi ved med at forblive naive??  




PART 2: 23. oktober 2014


Ambassador's Crest-2This was a special radio program.  Hundreds of emails have come in saying this is probably the best program they have said this is probably the best program they have heard regarding the RV/GCR.  The Ambassador of the Red Dragon Family was our guest in a 2 hour Q&A program.  Some have said his description of the Red Dragon Family, their role in world financial affairs, and the upcoming RV/GCVR is the best to ever take place.

Some have said this program has laid a foundation explaining the upcoming shift and change we to experience in our world.

Once again our program was hacked.  Here’s part of the description that came from the staff at Doublewide Radio: 
I wanted to make you aware that we had programmers standing by and monitoring the entire show last night to trouble-shoot the abnormality we have been experiencing during your show.  Sure enough, your show is being cyber-attacked by at least one individual or group.  No doubt about it.  In fact, our programmer was standing by to continuously reset it and battle back.  It was quite a task for our programmer as it went on for nearly the entire first hour.………A bot “automated internet robot” is placed to continuously fool our system into believing that we are at capacity, therefore, not allowing more to log in.  Each time this happens over and over, our programmer quickly resets the system for an all new capacity.   Your only listeners who get caught not being able to log in are the ones who try to log in during the few seconds it takes for our programmer to reset the capacity each time during your show.  It is a constant fight, over and over.  This is an ongoing tennis match between our programmer and the cyber attacking “bot” for at least your first hour weekly, if not the entire show.
new sedona_connectionObviously there are cabal forces at work that do not want you to hear what the The Ambassador and the Red Dragon Family is saying.
Click here to for the MP3 file you can download.
Click here for the radio program. 

Also, the Ambassador joins us at each workshop in a live teleconference where shares much more information.
Seats available for the Nov 1st workshop in San Jose, CA
Click here for information on the registration page.


PART 3: 24. oktober 2014

Oct. 23rd, Follow Up to the Q&A with the Ambassador