Sep 26, 2014

Meddelelser fra Lysarbejdere, Galatiske venner og Opstegne Mestre - 26. September 2014 CET

For at forstå sammenhængen, og føler du dig inspireret, læs alle artiklerne igennem, i stedet for min lemfældige opsummering og uddrag. Der er simpelthen ikke tid til, at oversætte i det enorme tempo som vi får meddelelser fra alle vores Opstegne mestre, vores skaber og den galaktiske familie inden den store begivenhed finder sted. 
1. Portia - Før og After. 2. Ærkeenglen Gabriel - Kvaliteten af ​​kærlighed som kaldes Temperance. 3. IlliaEm of Arcturus -Konstant kommunikation med SELVET. 4. The Hathors - Fotonbælt opdatering. 5. SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: September 26, 2014.  

God fornøjelse.

Portia:  Before and After

Kanaliseret af Kathryn E. May 26-09-2014 
© 2014 WhoNeedsLight


I would like to talk with you about the state of the world, and the state of your heart.  They are connected, you know, but not the way you think.  The state of the world is very much affected by the state of your heart - your individual, personal, unique heart.  

You are not only the Creator of your own life; you Create the world, as you play on your heartstrings the melody that will become your theme song. You, Beloveds, write the melody and arrange the harmonies and chords which will create the music around you.  Your music in turn plays into the great symphony that is the sound and atmosphere of your world, produced and sustained by the collective music of the whole.

Does God play the tune, or write the symphony?  Not at all.  You are the ones who feel the inspiration and write down the notes, take up your instruments and play with all your hearts.  You are living out God's design, yes, but without you there would be no orchestra, no Earthly composer, and hence, no concert.

You were created with the the music of Life in your soul, and now you have been given the body to play it out on the world stage.  Do not underestimate your impact on the others who are hesitating now, holding back, holding onto the old ideas that have been planted by the dark ones.  

Arise, Dear Ones, it is your day, your time to shine.  The events you have anticipated are already in the making.  You know this is a global event you are creating.  Be aware that you have placed yourselves on the side of justice, and by doing so you have decided to remove the cabal from power over you and everyone else.  Of course this is going to change your own lives dramatically; this is what you foresaw, and what you prefer.  It will mean that you will ride out a period of change without fear, for you know that the forces behind these new changes are Lightworkers.

You have heard about the Chinese Dragon Family.  They are your mentors, friends of peace and prosperity for all.  They are trying to make it possible to separate you from your slave masters, to help you in removing those slave masters so that you can establish a new way of life for yourselves.  You can imagine the intricacy, and the delicacy with which the changes have been orchestrated.  It is as if the leaders of the Western cabal have been holding you hostage, with a gun to your heads, and the Dragon swat team is to remove you from the situation without causing damage to you or any of the other hostages.

Unfortunately, you have been taught for so long to mistrust anyone but those slave masters, there is the danger you might at the last moment balk at change you don't (and could not possibly) understand.  When your freedom is assured, will you be tempted to turn and run back to the "protection" of those who have enslaved you?  Will you be willing to let go of all the old assumptions and "proven" theories to instead follow your Faith that this is indeed the freedom God has promised you?

Look deeply into your heart.  Ask yourself if you are willing to leap across the chasm from everything you have been taught to strive for, to a green land where no striving is necessary, just living.  Are you at ease enough inside yourself to see clearly who are the White Hats, and what their true motivation is?

Many of you have tried to educate yourselves about what is to come, but you cannot really educate yourself about the future.  You can only understand the past, according to the rules of the game as you have played it for centuries.  What is coming is not an improvement in the game; rather it is a completely new game, a completely new playing field.  

Join with Us in the higher realms to revel in this great triumph.  Do not be tricked by the remaining players who are hewing to the old thought forms, insisting that the world is in chaos, humankind has lost its mind, and nothing good can possibly come of the great upheaval you see so clearly on your controlled news media.  It is not true.

As some of your brave whistleblowers have revealed, the current "ISIS" group is nothing more than a costume change from the old "Al Qaida" which was nothing more than a gang of thugs trained and led by the cabal CIA, Mossad of Israel and their Saudi counterparts. As you may already know, there are no terrorists, there never were any terrorists except those secret government "black ops" whose job it was to create fear (terror, yes) to control and profit from their dirty projects across the planet.

Understand, Dear Ones, that I bring this information to you not to cause fear, but to give you perspective on the true nature of the conflicts you have been told are popular uprisings or religious fanaticism in action. The religious fanaticism you see has been cultivated by the paid operatives whose weapons include brainwashing, propaganda, and a great deal of money.  This was made possible by trillions of dollars of stolen taxpayer money - most of it from the U.S.  You remember the Rumsfeld announcement on September 10, 2001 that nearly 3 trillion dollars had gone missing?  The paper trail was supposedly destroyed when a missile hit the Pentagon.

On that same fateful day, trading offices in the Twin Towers where the records for the massive international flow of money were held, and Building 7, which held Mayor Giuliani's "war room," melted away into dust.  Are we to presume that all evidence is lost, and the perpetrators will never be apprehended?  Not at all.  Electronic records are kept under ground, and there are thousands of people who will gladly bring forward their eyewitness accounts of corruption, greed and massive conspiracy on the part of the secret government.  It is only a matter of creating the new and secure environment in which they can come forward to tell their stories.

You want nothing more than to see peace in your world.  The great irony of the current situation is that the President of the U.S. has been placed in the position of having to muster a coalition of forces to counteract the "ISIS/Al Qaida" threat that was secretly hatched on U.S soil. Ironically, what you see playing out on the world stage is a kind of American Civil War in which the slave holders will finally be defeated. When the facts emerge about the enormous power of the unelected government of the U.S., and its secret international allies, you will slap your foreheads and say, "Ahhh, of course, it all makes sense now!"

Yes, there has been great evil in your world, but the White Hats on the ground have worked diligently and at great personal cost to tighten the net which you now see closing on the last gasp of dark intrigue, murder, and theft of public resources. Look at your world with this perspective: See the Lightworkers who have been toiling behind the scenes suddenly beginning to move in unison, shifting positions to take up their places together.  Some are people you thought were enemies, others are strangers to you, but are coming out of the back rooms to add their presence to the rising Light that has triumphed at last.

There is a great movement, a great transition taking place at this very moment.  It goes far beyond the revaluation of currencies you see happening now.  The purpose is to free all of you.  Do not join with the naysayers who attack the most obvious target, the one who has the most fingers pointing at him/her.  Lightworkers do not point fingers, they take action themselves to investigate, gather evidence, and above all, question the obvious.  Anyone who is a target of personal attack - either by innuendo or outright vitriolic accusations, is likely to be innocent.

You will find very soon that the ones who have been viciously and publicly vilified are most likely the Lightworkers, while the real perpetrators are being quietly carted off in handcuffs to face the only fair justice, which comes through a transparent system of truly constitutional courts. 

The upheaval you see now, Dear Ones, is the evidence of the birth of the New Golden Age.  Be ready to step forward into the Light of truth when it is offered to you.  Do not be tempted to fall back into the denial and illusory "safety" of believing anything that is preached to you in a self-righteous tone, or trumpeted endlessly in a way that stirs fear or resentment.  

This is the "Al Qaida" method.  See it for the blatantly false propaganda it is. Walk instead to the quiet but heart-expanding music of Light and Love.  Listen closely.  Be alert to the upwelling of generosity and kindness in your midst.  Take your place among those heroes who have remained unsung because they neither needed nor wanted to trumpet their own successes, because they were doing God's work.

You will soon be given the opportunity to celebrate their good work. Rejoice with them, raise them up on your shoulders with joy, and know that we are there among you, sending you great waves of love to raise all of you as you complete this last lap which will bring you out of the shadows and into the Light, together, triumphant and aware of the Unity which has been building and growing all along.  

Your prayers, your work to clear away old structures, and your good will toward your fellows has been the backdrop and supporting foundation which has created the new systems of finance, governance and civil law that now stand behind the facade of the old world schemes, ready to be unveiled.

Nothing can stop us now, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. It is already written in the stars that the New Golden Age has begun.  Feel it in your bones.  See it with your third eye.  Embrace it in your Heart.  I add my loving energy to help buoy you up, to lift your spirits and ease your mind. Together we are unstoppable, because We Are ONE.

It is done.  So be it.

Yours in Love, Portia

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, September 25, 2014, 3 am, New York

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Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff: The Quality of Love Called Temperance

Kanaliseret af Suzanne Lie 25-09-2014
© 2014 suzanneliephd

Archangel Gabriel: The Quality of Love Called Temperance, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, September 25, 2014,
Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love called temperance.
This quality requires an individual to have dominion over their thoughts, words, and actions.
They are aware that their mind is the source or origin of all they do and say. They strive for harmony among their emotional, spiritual, physical and mental selves.
Sometimes this is difficult, but discipline and self-control teaches one to blend these opposites to create a beautiful wholeness.
Temperance brings to people the strengths they gained from the challenges they faced. They are able to bring the lessons from the past into the present in new and innovative ways.
They are peaceful, calm, self-controlled and mild by nature, and are able to combine all aspects of life into a smooth whole without overwhelming anything.
They are able to manifest, integrate and transform the spiritual into the physical in a balanced way. They combine different elements into a harmonious substance, which creates a bridge between polarities like heaven and earth, masculine and feminine, beginning and end, in the blending of opposites.
Temperance in a person attunes them to the messages of the divine; and when the person is at their best, they serve as a bridge between the spirit and the earthly planes.
Internal balance, or the struggle towards it, is integral to the person; and they know that life flows more smoothly when they pay attention to their soul’s voice. This quality of love in an individual can help them become especially adept at doing so.
They are very thoughtful, and not too emotional or too detached. They want nothing more than to make themselves better. Temperance is signified in a person’s character as fairness and patience, and the person is able to get along well with another person in a peaceful way.
They are spiritually balanced, grounded and not inclined to excesses of any kind. Temperance combines beauty with foundation in order to produce a balanced lifestyle. This quality of love expressed by an individual is one that can balance energies on many different levels, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
A temperate person is someone who is focused on an outcome they are yearning for; and in order to reach that perfect outcome, they are willing to try to create something new out of older elements in their lives.
They are moderate, philosophical, inquisitive and wise; and are willing to experiment and transform themselves in order to expand their own states of mind and points of view.
They are someone who can synthesize things really well – someone who thinks in terms of ‘both’ or ‘and’ (how to combine things successfully) rather than ‘either/or’ (how to choose one thing instead of another) and find the overlapping common ground and a workable compromise.
Temperance is the exercise of emotional balance horizontally, in the earth plane, in order to generate movement vertically from below to above.
A temperate person is someone who is accepting of their own faults and the faults of others. They see what’s great about others and everything else in life. They see what’s great about their own selves and always try to find the middle ground.
They are sometimes put in environments that do not suit them so that they can transform that environment into something else entirely. They are people who see potential everywhere.
They are forgiving of those who have done wrong or acted against their desires. They give people a second chance and are not vengeful. They understand that showing mercy tempers hatred and anger.
They let their accomplishments speak for themselves, and do not seek the spotlight or try to seem more special than they are. They practice self-control, not letting their desires or emotions get out-of-hand. They know that temperance is the balance of strengths within an individual which asks them to show moderation in all areas of their lives.
A temperate person applies what they have learned and mastered, they are artists in all phases of their lives. They like to try new things, while at the same time maintaining a solid hold on their present security.
They use their inner resources as an open door to the possibilities of reaping spiritual knowledge and realization. They trust that their patience will build their dreams.
They focus all their energy on maintaining harmony between the material and the spiritual. They take it easy, and don’t rush things when they know that they need more time before making any major decisions.
Their lessons are learned through their experiences, and they learn to resolve their dilemmas and assimilate their beliefs by seeing any mistakes as information, and any problems as challenges.
Their truths are realized from within as they unite their human endeavor with the gift of Gods grace. Achieving temperance represents the key to higher consciousness. Rising to a higher level can result in bringing about rapid development of the intuitive and psychic senses.
As I take my leave it is my hope that all people practice temperance by doing the correct thing in whatever situation arises, dealing with life as it comes, so that this balanced blend of activities and feelings, once achieved, will produce the sense of harmony and peace that all people seek.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included –,

Suzanne Lie: Message From IlliaEm of Arcturus – Constant Communication With SELF

Kanaliseret af Suzanne Lie 26-09-2014
© 2014 suzanneliephd

I AM IlliaEm, Elohim of Arcturus,
As an Elohim I am a “Holder of Form.” I have come to bestow a great gift on you. However, first allow me to tell you about the “Force of Creation.”
Elohim are the Higher SELVES of Devas, who are the Higher SELVES of Elementals. It is the task of Elohim, as well as all the members of the Devic Kingdom, to assist Beings in holding a form/body, allowing them to incarnate into a manifest reality, which they choose to hold a form.
You and Gaia have many Elementals within your physical body.  These Elementals are “supervised” by their Devas, who are the Group Elemental for their element. These Elementals and Devas assist all 3D Beings in creating and holding their 3D form.
Because Gaia, and all her inhabitants, is undergoing the Ascension process, all life on Gaia is incrementally rising in vibration. With each small shift in resonance, your form slightly alters. Because of this, the Elementals, Devas and Elohim are now extremely busy.
In fact, your human body and the planetary body of Gaia are altering their structure, beginning with the DNA.  Therefore, I, IlliaEm, am here to assist you, persons and planet, in your transformation. You see, as you change the resonate frequency of your body you also shift realities.
Therefore, we members of the Devic Kingdom are not only assisting you in holding the form of your Earth vessel, but we are also assisting Gaia in holding the form of all forms within and upon Her ever-changing planet.
This shifting of forms and realities is much like climbing a steep mountain cliff. First you reach up as far as you can to place your pylon into the cliff.  Then you attach your safety tether to the pylon so that you are connected to something solid as you move up the cliff. Then, when you feel ready, you pull yourself up to the position of the pylon. It is best to remain there for a while, to assure that you are stable, before you repeat the same process, again and again.
This “climb” is precisely what you are doing now. First you reach up in vibration to a higher frequency of your Multidimensional SELF.  Then you attach your attention – pylon – to that SELF.  When you feel ready, you use your intention – safety tether – to pull your resonance up in vibration until it matches the SELF to whom you have attached.
Just as the mountain climber’s view of the world changes each time a higher pylon is reached, your reality shifts each time you move into a higher frequency of your SELF. Because your body has risen in resonance, you are able to consciously perceive a higher frequency reality.  The reality was always there, but it was formerly beyond your ability to perceive it. Once you are able to become aware of a reality, you can also be IN that reality.
In order to stay conscious in that higher vibration, however, you must maintain your body, and/or consciousness, at that frequency.  In other words, you must “hold the form” of your new body, just as the mountain climber must “hold his position” on a higher part of the mountain.
Gradually, you are changing from a third dimensional, to a fourth dimensional, to a fifth dimensional body and reality.  You are transforming your “form” from that of carbon, 3D, to etheric, 4D, to Lightbody, 5D.  Hence, this transition will often make you feel fatigued. Your alteration is much like that of a “snake” that has outgrown its old skin and must shed it.
Slowly but surely, your old “skin” is being released so that your “new model,” Lightbody, can be revealed. “YOU” will not “die.”  In fact, you won’t even appear to be of Light with your physical eyes, as your external shell will maintain the same vibration as the planet, so that you and Gaia may perform your Ascension TOGETHER.
You and Gaia are encased in the shell of the “old you.”  Inside the shell, you are transforming into Lightbody. You will keep this protective encasement until it is time for you to “crack the shell” in synchronicity with Gaia and all the other members of the grounded Planetary Ascension Team. This cracking of the shell will commence at the “time” when the 3D Matrix begins to so degrade that the points of cohesion loosen.
The 3D Game will begin its “ending” when “enough” of the illusions of separation and limitation are released by the awakening Lightworkers.  Every time you say NO to illusion, NO to limitation, and NO to extinct beliefs that separate one from another, the 3D Matrix loosens.
This process will come slowly at first but will steadily gather speed.  Unfortunately, due to their fears and indoctrinations from the past, many humans, as well as other members of Gaia’s kingdom, are still living in “survival based” reality. Happily, as each player of the Game Awakens, their first task is to awaken others.
The progression of awakening will quickly accelerate as each of you awakens and, in turn, awaken others, who awaken others, who awaken others… Your awakening is a process of integrating your Soul/SELF into your physical body.  Integrating your Soul/SELF is much like “resting by the pylon to which you have just ascended.” Ascension, like climbing a cliff, is done bit-by-bit.
I, IlliaEm, wish to congratulate you on your journey so far.  You have now integrated your Soul/SELF into your First, Second, Third, and Fourth Chakras.  Please, allow your Self “time” to adjust to these changes, as well as to each new reality.
As your lower chakras, one through three, are recalibrated, you experience more and more freedom from living in “survival mode.”  This freedom feels like a huge transition in your life.
With the calibration of your Fourth, Heart Chakra, there are more major changes, both in your life and in your body, as you integrate the Unconditional Love of your Soul/SELF. This foundation of Unconditional Love gives you the courage to awaken your own Force of Creation that has been locked in your Throat Chakra.
During the integration of your Throat Chakra, your consciousness will expand to encompass the fifth dimension and your brainwaves will shift from Beta, to Alpha, to Theta. Beta Wave Consciousness will become increasingly tedious, and you will crave the Force of Creation in your everyday life.
At this point you will likely feel “out of sync” with members of your previous reality who have not yet awakened their Force of Creation and still believe that they must “work hard to get what they want.”
As your consciousness expands, your body accepts more prana into your chakras, your chakras spin faster due to the increased prana, and deeper levels of darkness are released from your physical form.  As age-old darkness is released, the secrets of your alternate realities “past lives” are experienced, often in a vivid fashion. Until these realities are healed and released, life can be quite challenging.
During this cleansing, remember that you are “creating” your personal tunnel of Light through your Lower Astral Body.  I wish to remind you that, as you clear you own Lower Astral Body, you are also clearing the Lower Astral Body of Gaia. It is the Lower Astral Body in which your ancient pain and fear is trapped.  Once it is cleared, more Light can come into your consciousness and into the Collective Consciousness of Gaia.
Your physical “shell” becomes thinner and more pliable as your fourth dimensional aura is cleared of old dissonance.  It is true that you have already cleared much of your “darkness,” but as you move higher UP in consciousness, you also move deeper DOWN into your unconscious Self. Also, due to the alteration of your DNA, you are now clearing old genetic memories that were formerly inaccessible.
Because of your great progress, you are transitioning from the fourth dimension to the fifth dimension, which is a greater “leap” than the transition from the third to the fourth dimension. The shift in consciousness from third to fourth dimension is much more familiar than the shift from fourth into fifth dimension, because the third and fourth dimensions have been interwoven in all of your Earth incarnations.
In fact, Lemuria and Atlantis were more fourth dimensional than third.  Then, after the fall of Atlantis, the portal to the fourth dimensional Kingdom of Faerie, was open for quite some time.  In addition, you visit the fourth dimension every night during your sleep, and have crossed over into it every time you have “died.”
On the other hand, you have only experienced the fifth dimension during very spiritual lifetimes in which you actually “Ascended” at the time of your “death.” In your “Ascension” in these lifetimes, you were able to consciously cross over into the loving acceptance of your “Spirit Guides.”  However, your Earth vessel was usually discarded, and a new one was created for your “next” incarnation.
On the other hand, during this era of Planetary Ascension, many of you will keep an Earth vessel for your visits to the “old Earth,” so that you may more easily assist the new Ascending Ones.  This will be much like keeping a car at your office, so that you will have transportation while you are at work.
In fact, many of you are having one reality in which you can freely be your SELF and another reality in which you must “keep up the façade” of being ONLY third dimensional. You are doing this so that you can perform your Mission in the “Silence.” Once you have fully integrated your Throat Chakra, you will find it much more difficult to KEEP up your facade, and easier to “come out” into the world as your SELF.
The challenge is that it is difficult enough to successfully and happily live one Earth life, and your transformation is creating the experience of simultaneously living many lives. Fortunately, with the integration of the Throat Chakra, you are in Constant Communication with your Multidimensional SELF who is quite familiar with concurrently living in multiple realities. This Constant Communication will guide you, just as – increasingly – you will guide others.
With the integration of your Fifth Chakra, the human emotions of the Second Chakra will convert into the higher octave emotions of the Fifth Chakra.  The integration of your Heart Chakra has allowed you to feel Unconditional Love and Compassion for your Self, which gives you a firm foundation for escalation of your emotions to the next octave.
The Constant Communication with your SELF will continuously offer you an antidote for the toxic emotions of the third dimension. When you feel angry, your SELF will remind you that you can choose to UNDERSTAND. When you become sad, your SELF will assist you to RELEASE what is “complete” into the Flow. And, when you experience fear, your SELF will bask you in Unconditional Love to give you strength to fulfill the Initiation that YOU have created.
Because you continuously hear the “Voice of your SELF,” and see through the “Eyes of your Soul,” memories from Home constantly distract you from what you “should” be doing and encourage you to, instead, do what you “want” to do.
Eventually, it will become easier for you to remember that you no longer “want” to engage in the dramas of the 3D Game.  Since you can now see through many illusions, you are more able to Unconditionally Accept and Unconditionally Forgive the behavior and actions of those who are still trapped in the 3D Matrix.
Please take a moment now to integrate my message.  I will return shortly to lead you in the Throat Chakra Mediation.

The Hathors via Anna Merkaba: The Photon Belt Update 

Kanaliseret af Anna Merkaba 25-09-2014
© 2014 sacredascensionmerkaba



Dearly beloved children of light and dearly beloved children of love; dearly beloved children of the moon, the sun and the stars,

As you continue your journey through the photonic belt of your creator selves, as you continue your journey on Mother Ship Earth, the consciousness of your creator selves is merging with the consciousness of those dwelling therein, and raising the vibratory impulses of the planet – assisting it from within and sending the signal of light to without.

The energy that you generate, fully and completely from within the heart codices of your DNA structure, is sending a signal to the cosmic getaways – measuring the level of intensity – measuring the level of the structural components of your DNA and adjusting the flow of energy to earth in unison – in response to your generated field of energetic proportions.

For once again, through the sacred heart space of your creator selves, you are spinning an energy field into existence, allowing it to become a force shield if you will. [It becomes a] generator of energies, and collector of the energies that are plummeting the planet at this given moment in time.

The portals that are being opened by you, the portals that are bridging the gap between the present reality of your selves and the reality with which you wish to merge, are once again generated by your very own hearts. And hence, we repeat that the activation of your internal grids is the most important step that you to take toward oneness and unity.

For only through the clearing of your own heart space, through the activation of your own heart’s DNA, and through the clearing out of that which no longer belongs, will you be able to become that which you have come here to be. You will be able to take on your respective roles and to assist those whom you have come here to assist.

Let us then explain to you in your human language for you to understand that which is occurring presently on your planet.

Many of you have begun to feel the tremendous shifts taking place within your own realities. Many of you are seeing that which we have promised you would experience.

As you are presently moving through the photon corridor of creator, and merging two distinct fields into one whole, two distinct fields of two distinct realities are becoming more evidently clear.
[There is a separating of] the ‘good’ from the ‘bad’, and a simultaneously merging of it into oneness, into one whole.

[This is occurring] in order to move past the paradigm of yesteryear into the new paradigm, the new reality of your being, the new reality of understanding and incorporating both polarities into one inevitable and infinite whole.

For through the incarnation of the vehicle which you see unfolding before you, through the vehicle of your creator selves, you are bringing forth the necessary changes into your beings.

You are bringing forth all that you are, allowing these energies to work with the encodings within the structural components of your DNA codices to bring forth the new programming with which you have been infused before being incarnated on planet earth.
[You are] bringing with you the wisdom of the ages, the technological understanding of the world that is yet to come, the emotional frequency of the unconditional love of the eternal OM.

Many of you who have awakened have not fully understood the reason for your being, for many of you are walking in the shadows of your ego-selves. For many of you this phase is about to end; and a new unison, a new reality, [will] take hold of your beings.

For the reality that you are about to encompass, the reality that you are about to spin into the world in which you dwell, shall shake you to the core of your being.

For all that you have believed to be of difficulty shall begin to come to you with ease. All that you believed not to exist shall present itself to you fully and completely.

You shall begin serendipitously meeting those with whom you are to collaborate on various objectives set forth by your own higher consciousness, your own higher creator selves.

Meeting with absolute ‘strangers’ shall turn into magnanimous life-changing events for many of you. For indeed the time has come to merge the powers of your creator selves – to merge the powers of that which you are – in order to utilize the United energies in building a new foundation on planet earth.

For indeed phase one has come to completion and phase two has commenced. As such, the new vocations, new understandings, new encounters, new realities,  and new experiences are unfolding rapidly for many of you. Many of you who are allowing such synchronicities to enter your psyche, many of you who are ready to take on your active roles in the game of life!

Many of you shall and will and have felt the disconnectedness from your vessels, from your very selves, as you have moved through the vortex of the full moon of yesteryear.

Many have indeed shed much of their old paradigms and allowed the energies to cleanse them and prepare them for what’s to come.

Many have finally tapped into the understanding of their DNA structures. Many have allowed, and in continuing to allow, welcomed such such experiences into their lives. Many have indeed experienced oneness. Many have indeed experienced their godlike selves; for indeed you are gods – for indeed is so.

And so and thus comes a moment in time in which you are to take action – action of your respective roles. Listen carefully as you are being guided to maneuver the seeming darkness of your world.

For the chaos that you are experiencing is simply a recalibration of energies. The two worlds of your divine selves are merging into one complete whole, one complete understanding of life, one compete understanding of reality.

The reality in which your human selves have not previously dwelled – the reality in which you shall find and are finding yourselves – is the reality that is here to stay.
[This is] the reality of love, the reality of light, the reality of unconditional co-creation of eternal bliss, joy and health. – bliss, joy and health of your very vehicle – joy, bliss and understanding of your very soul.

For you are the ones who have come to illuminate the path for those who have come before you. You are the ones who have come to enlighten the path of your very own selves. You are the ones who have come to enlighten the path for those that shall come after you. You are the ones who have returned, and indeed you are the ones who have never left.

For you are GODS – gods of your creator selves – gods of all that you see before you. And as such, you are to take active roles in the co-creation of everything that you wish to manifest into your reality.

Many upon many ways of being shall be revealed to you in the days to come. Much of the information [for which] you are eagerly awaiting shall be brought into your psyche by your own higher selves.

Much of this information is already readily available for your taking. Much of said information shall magically manifest from within the space codes of your heart.

For you are the ones who shall go deep within and extract such information from your higher selves. For you must fully understand your present reality in order to comprehend your mission here on earth.

And so, we leave you with a new message of understanding: Allow that which you are to shine through. Doubt yourself not, for you already know all that there is.

Allow yourself to Remember that which you have come here to be. Allow, and Be, in the Now moment of time. Allow and utilize the energies, as they are unleashed into your world, to assist you.

We, the Hathors, the forefathers of your vehicles of creation that you call the human bodies, are standing before you. [We are] once again in line with you energies – once again, with open arms and open hearts, ready to assist you.
[We are] ready to guide you, ready to be guided by you. [We are] standing by your sides as you plunge ahead and lead humanity out of the veil of forgetfulness and onto the magic road leading them to their true magnificent selves.

WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now.

Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer – Channeler – Lightworker – Author. For more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit: Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – Discover Your True Self Through the Vibrational Messages From Behind the Veil –

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: September 26, 2014

SaLuSA fra Sirius - Talerør for Den Galaktiske Føderation Af Lys 

There are now two distinct groups of souls upon Earth, and these represent those who have opened their consciousness to the Truth of their Being, and those who are stuck in the lower vibrations and make little or no attempt to understand their position.

Until such souls start to awaken to their true Self they will continue to only believe what they see before their eyes. However, we do not condemn such souls in any way and we make allowances for those who are controlled by their ego. It is only experience that will bring about a shift in consciousness, when one starts to question the purpose of life.

The truth will come to all, given time, and this period upon Earth is the ideal time to bring up questions about the purpose of life. For those without some form of faith it is a very difficult time, as they question why a God of Love allows such atrocities that are taking place.

Many understand that as God is All Love he allows his children to have the freedom to experience as they desire, but they often fail to understand that they are the responsible for the results. You have an expression about “making your bed and laying on it” and that sums up how you create your own future.

Freewill is wonderful, but you have to learn how to handle it without interfering with the freewill of another soul. Man has great difficulty in understanding the concept of you all being the One, and therefore what you do to another you do to yourself.

Man tends to look after ‘Number One’ without realising that over a period of lives you will experience many different situations, and each is intended to give you the experiences you need to further your evolution. No other soul is any more or less than you are, but may nevertheless have developed a greater level of consciousness.

Whatever stage of evolution you are at, you rest assured that you will always be helped to progress and no one faces the world alone. In fact you have so many helpers you cannot fail to achieve your life plan, as they will ensure that you have the experiences that you need.

It is no good complaining about your life, but far better to get on with it and make the best progress you can. Some of you do not believe you are helped at all and that is because you are unaware of your life plan, and for experience you have to accept the good along with what you call the bad.

All experience is of value even if you cannot understand it, as it may not seem that there is a life plan working for you, but there certainly is and all experience is presenting you with opportunities to evolve. We know that some souls cannot believe that they have agreed to the way their life is working out, but it is carefully planned with your agreement and the freewill aspect still exists.

We know that many of you are at an advanced level of understanding, and your presence upon Earth is instrumental in helping others in their understanding of the truth. Some of you came specifically to give such a service to others, and often it has meant a certain degree of sacrifice as such work requires a very dedicated soul.

Each of you that have indicated your desire to help others will be used as the need arises, and we look upon you all with equal love and joy. Life may sound complicated – and for many it is – but it is very carefully planned to be of maximum benefit to you. Some will not agree that they have accepted the experiences that come their way, and cannot understand why they should have done so.

Dear Ones, the truth is that you know you are being pointed in the direction that best covers your needs. When you are in the higher dimensions it all seems so much clearer and you trust those who oversee your life.

Some souls have questioned how we can be so positive where your future is concerned, and that is because at our level we can not only see the greater picture, but are aware that at any time the old cycle can be brought to a conclusion. It is therefore possible that such matters can be concluded at any time, but that decision lies with souls that oversee your evolution.

We tell you these things so that you will not assume anything is beyond possibility where your evolution is concerned. Matters are much more fluid than you can possibly imagine, but being in the lower vibrations you cannot easily envisage a completely different scenario.

Everything you can possibly think of can exist, as nothing is new or what you call original thought. You can link with what was and interpret it in another way, which is how technologies are re-introduced in a New Age. For example what you call ‘Flying Saucers’ –  which are planetary vehicles – are not equipped to go into Deep Space, and are not new to your Solar System.

As knowledge and understanding of them grows so you will find that very “conveniently” they are your Inter-planetary vehicles. Matters are speeding along so that when you “come of age” everything you need will be available to you. You are Cosmic Beings in your infancy and are evolving very quickly so that when you have full consciousness, the Universe will be yours to explore.

By comparison you live such a simple life on Earth, but it is ideal preparation for the changes you will encounter. Evolution is more concerned with you as an individual and making sure you are sufficiently evolved to be let loose in the Cosmos. As you may already know, you cannot reach levels that are higher than your own vibrations, so it is in your interests to take this coming opportunity to leave the lower ones behind.

You have the potential to become a Being of Light and that is what you should be working towards. We know that you will want to know how you are doing, but providing you apply yourself correctly you need have no worries as we will always be near you to assist.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, pleased as always to enlarge your knowledge of what lies ahead. You will realise by now that we are all part of the One, and as such we treat you as our brothers and sisters. Nothing would please us more than to help you achieve your goals, and we believe that we have been with you long enough for you to understand how we relate to you.

I leave you as always in Love and Light.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.