Jun 5, 2022

🙏 ~ 💝 (IMPORTANT: World Wide Meditation for the Great Awakening) Todays Inspirational Spiritual Quotes & Videos (SoTW) ~ 💕 | Blogger: Many like PAO / Galacticheart (Colleen, Sheldan Nidle) newsletter that used to sent updates from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy from Planetary Activation Organization are committed to this special short but important mass-meditation... PS: (after meditation 6.6.2022) - It has ended. My heartchakra was BURNING! Saw a HUGE white light and almost like i took a shower in-the-light from the Cosmic Galactic Center, my face was all still so warm!. Thanks to all! God bless!🙏.. |

7. June 2022

Meditation Feedback... (simonparkes.org)


6. June 2022

World Wide Meditation for the Great Awakening

Sponsored by Simon Parkes and Connecting Consciousness World Wide


Dear CC Worldwide Member from Simon

This coming Sunday the 5th of June, CC is to hold a Worldwide meditation. We are to hold this in tandem with actions being undertaken by the White Hats.

The biggest issue facing humanity as a whole, are the large number of asleep people! The purpose of this meditation is to wake as many of these people up as we possibly can, in doing so we speed up worldwide political events. Below this email is the Meditation Protocol. Please also go to www.simonparkes.org on the landing page, where it is also clearly available.

The Meditation must start at 10PM UK time, which is 5PM Eastern Standard Time EDT. The bulk of CC membership is in North America and so I have worked this to maximise the majority of members being available. I also had to fit into the White Hats window of opportunity that I was given. I can’t change the timing of the meditation and for those of you in time zones that make this very difficult I am very sorry. On the up side, the meditation must only last 5 minutes. Of course purists will argue that it should be many minutes long, but in this case it only needs to be 5 minutes.

For those of you who were with me in 2015 you will remember this was the last major Worldwide meditation to address the Cern issue which we did and was recognized by the white hats, so I don’t call these meditations very often, I only call them when they are vital.

Thank you for your service to Humanity, we are in fact nearly there! Simon

Wakeup Meditation
Sunday 5th June 2022 at 5pm Eastern Standard Time (EDT), 4pm Central Time, 3pm Mountain Time, 2pm Pacific Time
10pm British UK time (BST)

▪ Working as an individual or as a group

▪ Visualize the human race (you could perhaps imagine lots of people)
▪ Imagine a heavy dense black cloud/fog sitting on their shoulders covering there head

▪ Imagine this dense cloud to be cube shaped

▪ Now visualize this cloud dissolving in the fashion as sugar placed in hot coffee/tea

▪ Due to the satanic element and the way it re charges itself we do not want to blast it we have to dissolve it

At the moment you see this blackness dissolve please visualize a bright white light coming from source to the human race bringing a lifting enlightenment this heavy blackness dissolving to reveal the human race, always be clear that this blackness is ignorance. You are to dissolve / ignorance and free humanity.

I realise that most meditations advertise many minutes and people will say what can you achieve in 5 minutes but this must only be 5 minutes long.

Thank you for your participation.

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